Brine Shrimp Questions


Fish Addict
Feb 19, 2004
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Hey everyone,
I just started my brine shrimp hatchery today. I was wondering how long should I wait to feed to an adult betta? Also is it easy to leave your culture and have them reproduce or is it more complicated than that???

PS- JoKeR, I'm going by you directions to start a BBS culture :thumbs:
I't very hard to get bs to multiply. It takes extreme water changes. They have to have something nutritious to feed on in the water, and their waste dirties the water very fast.
Even enriching the bbs takes good clean water on a regular basis. Hatching the bbs is determined by the temp, light, and circulation of fresh eggs. Usually around 24-28 hrs. The bbs are like filters, they absorb any nutrients and excrete waste. I would enrich my bbs with Spirulina and Selco, (which is a HUFA), so I used 2 hatchers, and the rotation for feedings would be at 36 hrs, and 48 hrs. The bbs are the most nutritious within 12 hrs of hatching, while they have the yolk sac. After that, if you don't enrich, they have very little value as a food source.
Thanks Fisherman,
Within that 12 hours from hatching, are the brine shrimp big enough for the adult bettas to see and eat?

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