Suitable Filter

You don't have to use a filter. There is no set way that things have to be done. They are your tanks, and your fish. Different people do things different ways. Whatever works for you. I do more water changes than most people do. On a tank a gal or more, I prefer to have a filter and still do water changes. Other poeople do not feel this way. Some like gravel, most do not. As long as the water quality is good, and the Betta gets good food, they will be fine. Thats pretty much bottom line. Clean water, good food.
OKay thank you f250fisherman! So how about my question about the lighting in the tank?
Let me repeat my question then,

Anyone know how long the lights have to be on during the day?
Well, mine are on around 12 hours a day turned on as i walk past in the morning and off when i go to bed. i also feed them when i turn the lights off!

The longer the lights are on, the faster the algae grows. If the room isn't dark during the day, they really don't need a light. Most of my tanks get the light turned on for a short time each evening, and then turned out for the night when I go to bed. On my drip system, I turn the lights on for each feeding, then back off after they have had time to search and eat all the food. Most of my tanks don't have any light at all, other than light from within the room. The light is more for your enjoyment, rather than a requirement for the fish. If you have plants in the tanks, then they require more light than unplanted tanks.
Okay! Thank You a lot! So if I had Java Moss or Fern then how much time should the light be on?

Im trying to see if I can put it on as little as possible because I don't pay the electric bill my dad does. I already have 2 heat lamps and 2 UVB lights on 12 hours a day due to my 55 gallon with a turtle and my 20 gallon cage for my chameleon! I know this won't waste as much though because the tank is small therefore the light is smaller and less strong but I still don't want it on too often.

Again thanks, that really helped!!
i use penn plax small world air driven sponge filters.. they have half filter wool and half carbon pellets and other things, they are great and you can stick the top out of the wter so the bubbles break inside the filter bit so next to no current!

Cool. Are there any filters where you don't need to change the media :p Or that the media lasts for like a year? How about an Eheim?
Okay well, I bought the tank today :D Its 5.5 gallons!!! :) What do I need in order to cycle the tank for a Betta? :crazy: :/
to be honest i wouldnt really do it lol... just put the filter you have in another tank for a week then transfer it over and use straight away :)

Can't do that because my other filter is for a 110 gallon tank which Im using for my 55 gallon ... So it wouldn't even fit in this new tank. Don't worry anymore okay. ;)

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