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  1. G

    Dwarf Gourami Questions.

    I have just read honey gouramis are smaller. Might be the best for me. Please still comment on what you think. P.S Does a planted aquarium mean real plants fake plants or both? As all gouramis need them to be happy.
  2. G

    My First Dead Fish, I'm Sad...

    Even fish experts have dying or dead fish in the hobby but they learn from it and move on. Hope it helps.
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    Where To Buy Cherry Shrimp

    Thanks for the advice.
  4. G

    Where To Buy Cherry Shrimp

    Hi guys. I'm planning to purchase a cherry shrimp soon but I do not know where to get them from. If anyone knows a good supplier around the Essex, Colchester area. Please let me know. Thanks.
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    Dwarf Gourami Questions.

    Do Dwarf Gouramis need to be kept in pairs? If not I would be happy with just the one and 3 or 6 (what do you think) guppies. Thanks for the advice.
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    Flakes Or Pellets

    Yeah I agree but what I meant is that flake would be the main food I would give them. A bit of frozen brine shrimp once a month or more as well. Thanks for the advice.
  7. G

    Dwarf Gourami Questions.

    Thanks for the advice. Would two be all right with 3 or 6 fancy male guppies.
  8. G

    Dwarf Gourami Questions.

    That about 1 or 2
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    Hi to you.

    Hi to you.
  10. G

    Dwarf Gourami Questions.

    Thanks for the welcome.
  11. G

    Dwarf Gourami Questions.

    Hi guys. I have recently read you can keep 3 dwarf gouramis in a 10 gallon tank. Is this true? As I would be interested in buying some. I wondered how many dwarf gouramis if any I could keep in a 35l biube pure ( cylinder shaped) with 3 or 6 fancy male guppies. I would happily keep one or two...
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    My Biorb Life 60 Litre Tank

    I've just got a new biube. Very nice tanks. Only a single fancy male guppy at the moment but getting more soon. Your tank looks good with all the plants etc..
  13. G

    Hi. Your the 1st person on this forum I have seen who has a biorb life. I have a biube.

    Hi. Your the 1st person on this forum I have seen who has a biorb life. I have a biube.
  14. G

    Cloudy Water Again... Grrrr

    I agree with markandhisfish here. But remember cloudy water is not harmful too your fish but I would get it sorted out somehow as it does spoil the viewing experiences.
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    5 Litre Fish Bowl

    NEVER keep anything living in a UN-aerated bowl. Also 5 litres is very small. Hope it helps. P.S You could keep it for ornamental use.
  16. G

    Flakes Or Pellets

    Thanks for the advice. I have decided to use flake.
  17. G

    Good Fish For The Biube

    Thanks for the advice. My biube holds 35l.
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    On fish lore it says you need a minimum of 10 gallons to keep killifish. I don't know if this is right though. Hope it helps.
  19. G

    Orange Blotches On Pebble Sculpture

    Hi everyone. I have noticed weird orange blotches on my pebble sculpture in my biube. Are these just trapped bits of food that have got mouldy?. I gave it a clean and they came right off. However, some advice would again be much appreciated as I don't want it to harm my fish. Thanks.
  20. G

    My First Tank

    Very nice tank. The plants look great. Any fish would look good in there.
  21. G

    General Tips For Biube

    Hi again. I am quite new to tropical fish keeping yet I know a lot about them and I wondered that if anyone has or has had experience with the biube pure that they could give some general advice on the idea's below. Thanks. 1. Good fish 2. Live plants 3. General tips Thanks again.
  22. G

    Betta Troubles

    Thanks again for the advice. I think I will loOk into getting those danios.
  23. G

    Betta Troubles

    Thanks for the advice. It cost around £120 at the store I got it from but I know if you get it from the biorb site it is around£200. A rip of as you can get a tank that holds 125 litres+ for that much. Would celestial Danios get on with guppies as I have read they are very fast swimmers and to...
  24. G

    Betta Troubles

    It's a biube pure and it holds 35l. Its 18 inches high and around 6 inches wide approx. I am unsure on the surface area.
  25. G

    Betta Troubles

    I think I will play it safe and keep my guppies. I might well get one after the guppies though. Are there any other good fish for the biube? Thanks for the advice anyway.
  26. G

    Betta Troubles

    Hi fish keepers. I really want a betta and I have asked around if they need poor aeration. Some say no and some say yes. If anyone has had or is having experience with betta's please comment on what you think as I really want one for their lifespan and stunning colours. P.S I have fancy guppies...
  27. G

    Any Fish Ideas Welcome

    For fish friendly shrimps I recommend the cherry shrimp as they are easy to look after and as long as you are keeping small fish will not be eaten. They also have a 2 year to 3 year life span. I also recommend looking at the shrimp farm website. Just type shrimp farm into google. It has lots of...
  28. G

    Best Airpump?

    I also use tetra whisper air pumps. Very quiet. Lock in draws ate night and I can only hear the flow of the bubbles.
  29. G

    Converting The Tropical Biube To Tropical Marine Biube

    Hi everyone. In the future I always have wanted a tropical marine tank. My current tank is a biube and in the future I was thinking of converting it into a marine tank. There is a kit you can get made by biorb for converting to marine. What I wondered was that is it worth it? I have read that...
  30. G

    Biube Pure Adding Fish

    I as I had said have cycled for a week. I know a cycle is 6 weeks long but the instructions have said if you do not over feed and buy one small fish every 28 days you should be all right.Thanks for your info.
  31. G

    Help With Stockiing Level

    I think that a couple of big shoals of tetras, danios etc. would lovely in a tank like yours. You could have 10's and 10's of each fish. There is a wide variety of tetras available from the neon tetra to the orange headed tetra. A couple of species of them would provide stunning colours of fish...
  32. G

    Live Plants In Biube

    Hi again. I was thinking of having live plants in the biube pure after hearing they are very good for cycling and provide natural cover and a tasty snack for some fish. The problem is that the substrate is marble sized (literally) and most plants need finer substrate. I cannot remove the media...
  33. G

    Fishlesss Cycling - Confusion !

    It could of been a nitrate spark that happened shortly after the water change. However, the nitrate levels should of gone down. Check your test kits are working properly and do a re-test. If the test results are the same consider purchasing a new one. Good luck.
  34. G

    Biube Pure Adding Fish

    I have cycled it for a week before adding one fish so im doing a fish-in cycle. I am taking great care with ammonia etc. and am feeding every couple of days. Anyway thanks for the advice on stock levels.