5 Litre Fish Bowl


Fish Crazy
Jan 9, 2011
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Hi guys. My mum gave me her old fish bowl the other day. It has no lid and holds about 5 litres. Is this just a nice bin ornament or could i keep anything in it? (i would love to keep shrimp) thankyoy kindly in advance
You could use it as a daphnia culture,
NEVER keep anything living in a UN-aerated bowl. Also 5 litres is very small. Hope it helps.
P.S You could keep it for ornamental use.
I have a spare under gravel filter and pump with air stone for it. Iknow 5 litres is small :( maybe i should put a goldfish in it like every1 else, then wonder why at 10" it has no room to move..... Lol
then wonder why it doesn't grow to 10" and only lives for 2 years..... Lol

And to further that, then come on here and tell us we're wrong and that actually two years is good for a goldfish! lol. :D

Anyhoo, 5 litres really is small, however with an under gravel filter (or sponge/box filter) and a bunch of stem plants in the middle I reckon you could keep a few shrimp. The only problem with shrimp is though, is that they do happily reproduce...like rabbits. So you'd have to have a plan for the offspring. I'm guessing you have another/other tanks? If so, and if you can move offspring/adults from the 5l to a main tank (even if it's into a breeder net whilst they grow on), then it's definitely do-able. :)

You can get miniature heaters too if it wasn't going to be kept in a warm room. Or perhaps sit it on something like a reptile heat mat... You'd have to ask others who may have tried this as to whether it would work sufficiently or not. :)
Big help from last post thanks. Ye i was kinda hoping for about 5 cherry shrimp, as for breeding, the young would become a treat for the main tank. Ive read they breed quick.

Also does the fact i DONT have a lid matter?
Just a quick note though, I personally would avoid using an under gravel filter in a bowl. To keep the filter working efficiently it has to remain un clogged. Maintenance within such a small bowl is going to be tricky. And if you did have plants, which would certainly be beneficial, then their roots could also interfere.

Personally I would advise a sponge/box filter. (You can make a home made one if you check out the DIY section on here).
And a big clump of stem plants in the middle. Stem plants are good cause you can literally chop off the tops as they start getting too tall. No need to dig them up or try to fiddle around near the substrate level.
Same goes for the filter, you can just lift it out when it starts getting clogged, give it a quick rinse in some old tank water and pop it back in.

I can't see cherry shrimp leaving the tank for any reason to be honest... but to be on the safe side it probably wouldn't cost too much to get a piece of clear perspex cut. Or for that matter you could probably just do something 'home madey' for a lid.
Eg. Old pair of tights , piece of cross stich canvas cut to size, left over lid from large boxes/tubs cut to size (with a couple of holes punched in for gas exchange).

Just have a sit and think what you have to hand... or like I said get something cut from a plastics place. :)
Dont really wanna buy new filter but a clog is never good. Didnt know abouta diy section, sounds well worth a look,thanks. Lid is begining to sound more essential the more i think of it...

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