Any Fish Ideas Welcome


Fish Crazy
Sep 17, 2010
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hi i am getting a 90 litre tank and i was wondering if there are any fish frendily shrimps or crabs i can get and also rummynoses or any single shoaling fish my stock list follows as

2x bristnose plecs
2x corys stebai
2xballon mollys
15 guppys
hi i am getting a 90 litre tank and i was wondering if there are any fish frendily shrimps or crabs i can get and also rummynoses or any single shoaling fish my stock list follows as

2x bristnose plecs
2x corys stebai (These really prefer to be in a larger shoal, 5 minimum is usually the average)
2xballon mollys
15 guppys

Cherry shrimp might be your best bet, but due to their size they will most likely become fish food.
Perhaps Amano shrimp might take your fancy in that case.
It's not fish friendly shrimp you're after, it's shrimp friendly fish you need lol.

In terms of shoalers, the smaller the better, neons, black neons, glowlights etc. Perhaps even some White Cloud Minnows, or there rarer form, the Royal Minnow:
For fish friendly shrimps I recommend the cherry shrimp as they are easy to look after and as long as you are keeping small fish will not be eaten. They also have a 2 year to 3 year life span. I also recommend looking at the shrimp farm website. Just type shrimp farm into google. It has lots of info. As for crabs I don't know that much about them with fish but I am sure another member would. I am planning on getting a cherry shrimp soon as well. There are other species of shrimp but cherry is the hardiest and easiest to care for. Good luck.
Cherry shrimps are likely to be eaten by platys so the Amano shrimp would be a much better idea for a community tank to be honest. I had a selection of Tropical fish and kept Amano shrimp in the tank and they were absolutely fine. They hide for a while when first introduced but once they feel confident with their surroundings they tend to wander all over the tank.
Crabs......not a good idea really as they are known to eat the fish, I know there`s always debate as to whether or not they actually kill the fish or just eat porrly ones but I personally wouldn`t take the risk.
Corys are much happier when kept in slightly larger groups so it would be a good idea to up the number to 6 if you can or look ay pygmy corys instead. With a pair of mollys and platys you`re likely to end up overun with fry, the guppies too so you might want to rethink your stocking ideas? 90L isn`t a lot of room when it comes to fish constantly popping out fry and you could end up with high levels of ammonia to deal with :look:

Neons and cardinals could do with a mature tank and not a recently cycled one so they may be an option for a little way down the line. Rummy`s, harlequins and danios are pretty hardy and entertaining fish but usually need larger than a 90L tank (depending on dimensions) it could be an idea for you to visit your lfs, write down a list of the fish you`d really like and ask here for opinions and advice? ;)
Cherry shrimps are likely to be eaten by platys so the Amano shrimp would be a much better idea for a community tank to be honest. I had a selection of Tropical fish and kept Amano shrimp in the tank and they were absolutely fine. They hide for a while when first introduced but once they feel confident with their surroundings they tend to wander all over the tank.
Crabs......not a good idea really as they are known to eat the fish, I know there`s always debate as to whether or not they actually kill the fish or just eat porrly ones but I personally wouldn`t take the risk.
Corys are much happier when kept in slightly larger groups so it would be a good idea to up the number to 6 if you can or look ay pygmy corys instead. With a pair of mollys and platys you`re likely to end up overun with fry, the guppies too so you might want to rethink your stocking ideas? 90L isn`t a lot of room when it comes to fish constantly popping out fry and you could end up with high levels of ammonia to deal with :look:

Neons and cardinals could do with a mature tank and not a recently cycled one so they may be an option for a little way down the line. Rummy`s, harlequins and danios are pretty hardy and entertaining fish but usually need larger than a 90L tank (depending on dimensions) it could be an idea for you to visit your lfs, write down a list of the fish you`d really like and ask here for opinions and advice? ;)

good info there i might just keep male platys and guppys and i will see if the amono will be ok any pics of a amono shrimp and i dont really fancy a cherry shrimp but what sort of price you looking for a amono shrimp and the crab red claw would be ok wouldnt it plz reply because i am wasting space buy haveing tomany tanks ;8 lol jordan
Most lfs will stock the Amano shrimp and they`ll probably cost anywhere from £2-3 each, my lfs charge around £12 for 3 shrimp, they`re a nice addition to a peaceful community tank. The crab in my opinion would be a no no, as already said it`s possible that a crab will eat your fish and I should imagine it wouldn`t have any problem eating shrimp either. You really would be much better forgetting the crab idea.

Here`s a pic of the Amano shrimp I had in my community tank (sorry it`s not the best pic, I`ll try and find a clearer one):
kk thanks i will scrape the crab lol have you got any ideas about stocking the 90 with your opition and any what will go well with mine and have you got any ideas about a single shoaling fish like a ram or anything
what about kribs a pair or a ram or a koi angelfish or a marble one anyone
I wuld imagine that the Amano will leave snails alone but son`t quote me on it :unsure:

If you`re interested in rams a pair of Bolivian Rams would do best as they`re hardier than German rams. Kribs can be a bit aggressive I believe but it`s like any species really as it can depend on the fish itself.
I think as I`ve already said, it would be best to post a list of the community fish you like (do a google search for community tropical fish) and I`m sure someone will give you a good idea of which fish would be best for your size tank.
Maybe start a thread in the Tropical Discussion forum, you`ll get more replies there :)

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