General Tips For Biube


New Member
Dec 19, 2010
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Hi again. I am quite new to tropical fish keeping yet I know a lot about them and I wondered that if anyone has or has had experience with the biube pure that they could give some general advice on the idea's below. Thanks.

1. Good fish
2. Live plants
3. General tips

Thanks again.
I don't have experiance with Biube, but I have experiance with Biorb Life. Which is similar in ways.
What size is the tank in litres or US gallons?

1. Small, shoaling fish. Shrimp as bottom dwellers. Low-medium stocking density. (need tank size for specific fish)
2. If you like, they will need proper care, just like the fish. Cabomba? Amazon Sword? Although, some Biorbs come with huge gravel sort of stuff which is unsuitable for lots of plants and bottom dwellers.
3. Don't change the filter every '4-6 weeks' Never change it, just maintain it by washing it in old tankwater. Keep on top of water changes. 30-40% every week. regular testing.

Anything else, feel free to ask.

i agree about the bottom feeders, they would get sliced up by ceramic media, it is very sharp, sbout plants, dont get anything too fast growin cos i did and my tank got swamped and water started turnin slighty cloudy so...
Hi, a nice shoal of Celestial Pearl Danio would go nicely in the Biube :)

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