My Biorb Life 60 Litre Tank


Fish Crazy
May 12, 2010
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here is a video of my biorb life 60 litre has been set up for nearly 4 months.
it houses 3 male fancy guppys.there are 4 guppys in the vid but the blue one passed away.i will be getting 3 more in 2 weeks.i know these tanks have a bad name but if cycled right,stocked right & maintained right they can be great little tanks.i do only recommend you keep little fish in them tho.please comment.
Very nice :good:

Very nice :good:


Nice little tank. They do seem to get really bad write ups but hey if you have the correct fish selection in and your water chemistrys ok then they are just like any other tank!! It holds water doesn't it? I have read some things where the fish have been stuck in filtration etc but as long as you monitor I'm sure you would notice if you were one fish missing! Looks really nice with some lovely fish and movement going on. And the tank itself is nice and modern! spot on!!

I'd love a smaller tank with some small fish in but I need to work on the other half! Would love a fluval edge!
When these tanks are set up properly I think they look great, and yours is set up very nicely. Very modern and clean looking.
I've just got a new biube. Very nice tanks. Only a single fancy male guppy at the moment but getting more soon. Your tank looks good with all the plants etc..
Absolutely fab :good: the biorb range are quite overpriced and are rather small but if you want a pretty tank for smaller fish these are great, might take video of my biube sometime but im not very good :lol:
btw just wondering how everyone here found out about the biorb range, i personally, saw some ads in a magazine ages ago when i didnt know much about fishkeeping, now i have it as my first tank and i have to say that whilst being just as nice as in that ad, its been a bit of a pain to keep the water parameters right for my Cherry shrimp :unsure:

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