Biube Pure Adding Fish


New Member
Dec 19, 2010
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In the biube tank instructions it says that you can only add 1 small fish every 28 days. However, I have heard that this is not as true as it seems. It says in the frequency chart that you can have 3 small fish every month and I wondered that guppies would be small tropical. Any advice would be much appreciated as I only have 1 solitary male guppy and would like to stock the tank sooner rather then later. If I waited the recommended number of days I would be looking at stocking this time next year. Thank you.
First you need to cycle the fish tank: I suggest a fish-less cycle. Fish-in cycles cause unnecessary harm to live animals and are a lot more work. Read about both.

If you fish-less cycle, you will be able to add all of the stock in one go without any ill effects.

As you already have a fish, your option would be to continue with fish-in cycle or take him back to the shop and do a fish-less cycle.
Thanks for the information I think I will just have to do a fish-in cycle.
In that case, do read about it.. in essence it boils down to you having to keep ammonia and nitrite readings below 0.25ppm and very low feeding. Expect to be changing 25-50% of the water per day. Do read in more detail about it.

You will be able to add more fish when ammonia and nitrite remain permanently at 0ppm with regular feeding (which usually takes about 6 weeks from when you get the first fish).

If you let ammonia or nitrite rise above 0.25ppm, your fish will be harmed in the long term (shortened life span, increased susceptibility to diseases). This is why you need a liquid test kit (for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH and hardness), general anti-bacterial medication (I prefer eSHa 2000) and an anti-white stop medication.

It will help if you get a lot of live plants.

If you do not do all of this, your fish will probably die. Unfortunately guppies are very fragile as it is.. let alone in toxic water.
I will just have to do the recommended number of days. Better to play it safe I think. Thanks for the advice.
I will just have to do the recommended number of days. Better to play it safe I think. Thanks for the advice.
That wouldn't be playing it safe though: it would be dumping your fish into a potentially toxic soup which might kill them. Without testing the water and knowing the exact readings, you will not know if it is safe to put the fish in or not.

Please don't do that to the fish, they might not be able to tell you that something is wrong, but they are still live animals. You probably wouldn't put a dog into a bucket of excrements, so don't do that to fish.
Thanks for the advice. What I mean is I have added one guppy after cycling the tank and was wondering if you could put in more then one fish in every 28 days. Anyway the guppy seems to be very happy I have been following the instructions with great care. Thank you.
Ah! You should have said that you already cycled! Assuming your readings are still all at 0, you should not have a problem adding a couple of fish every other week as long as you do not immediately increase feeding, but increase it slowly over a couple of weeks. If you have plants, you might even be safe to add all of your stock in one go (depending on what you want to stock).
I have cycled it for a week before adding one fish so im doing a fish-in cycle. I am taking great care with ammonia etc. and am feeding every couple of days. Anyway thanks for the advice on stock levels.
I have cycled it for a week before adding one fish so im doing a fish-in cycle. I am taking great care with ammonia etc. and am feeding every couple of days. Anyway thanks for the advice on stock levels.

if i was you i would just play it safe and them after some time, but put some live plants in now.
I have cycled it for a week before adding one fish so im doing a fish-in cycle. I am taking great care with ammonia etc. and am feeding every couple of days. Anyway thanks for the advice on stock levels.
I don't think you mean cycle, do you? A cycle is starting from a tank without any bacteria going to one with all the correct bacteria in the filter.. it is theoretically possible for this to happen in one week, but is extremely unlikely unless you seed the filter. If it is cycled, then ammonia should be 0ppm with everyday feeding.. if there is ammonia at all, then it is not cycled. A lot of manufacturers recommend to just leave the tank running for a week, but that rarely achieves anything.

Anyway, good luck.
I as I had said have cycled for a week. I know a cycle is 6 weeks long but the instructions have said if you do not over feed and buy one small fish every 28 days you should be all right.Thanks for your info.

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