Betta Troubles


New Member
Dec 19, 2010
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Hi fish keepers. I really want a betta and I have asked around if they need poor aeration. Some say no and some say yes. If anyone has had or is having experience with betta's please comment on what you think as I really want one for their lifespan and stunning colours.
P.S I have fancy guppies. Is it all right to keep them with 1 or 2.
Hi there,
Firstly, bettas shouldn't be kept with guppies (in an ideal world) due to most of the time, the betta thinks the guppies are another male. I've seen this happen myself and it's not pretty.

Do they need poor aeration? I'm slightly set back by this question.
Bettas prefer to have little surface agitation as they have a labyrinth organ, allowing them to breath air. However, my bettas I've kept, have always had 10X turn over in their tank and they have grown massive, with fantastic colouration, much better than any shop stock.

They are wonderful fish to have, they don't need a large tank, 15L min, so I would advise you set up a tank just for him on his own, or sell on your guppies.
to answer the OP question they dont "need" strong aeration as they can surface breathe with due to a labyrinth organ. it will not hurt them to have aeration tho.
as for the guppies i have kept many males with guppies with the express hope that the betta would help with fry population control. each of those males failed miserably at that task. not so much as a sideways glance.
try the betta with the guppies if the tank has space for all. if the betta shows actual aggression (he may follow them around for a while watching what they do/trying to figure them out)have a back up plan ready and remove him.
I think bettas get a very bad reputation as poor community fish. ive never had a problem with bettas and tankmates.
all the best
It is, of course, entirely up to you OP.
I personally wouldn't risk it, as although Bettas do get an unjustly biased community fish rating, I had to drive 30 minutes last night in the snow to rescue my fiancés pygmy corys from her betta. When I got there, he was literally snapping at them through a plant.

She started off with 5, I have the last 2 now.

Take from this what you will.
I think I will play it safe and keep my guppies. I might well get one after the guppies though. Are there any other good fish for the biube? Thanks for the advice anyway.
It's a biube pure and it holds 35l. Its 18 inches high and around 6 inches wide approx. I am unsure on the surface area.
Ah yes, that one. I bet that cost you a small fortune? £200 about right?

In terms of stocking, try to go for more of the top/middle dwellers and bottom feeders will go crazy in there with only 20-24 square inches to go around in.
Perhaps some lovely looking endlers? or even microrasboras?
Celestial Danios would look smashing in there!
Thanks for the advice. It cost around £120 at the store I got it from but I know if you get it from the biorb site it is around£200. A rip of as you can get a tank that holds 125 litres+ for that much. Would celestial Danios get on with guppies as I have read they are very fast swimmers and to the slow swimming guppy might upset them.
Thanks for the advice. It cost around £120 at the store I got it from but I know if you get it from the biorb site it is around£200. A rip of as you can get a tank that holds 125 litres+ for that much. Would celestial Danios get on with guppies as I have read they are very fast swimmers and to the slow swimming guppy might upset them.

Well guppies aren't usually fussed, my hybrids (guppy/endler) have 1000lph filter on their 64L tank and they love to swim in the stream.

Or you could just concentrate on keeping pretty guppies?
Hi fish keepers. I really want a betta and I have asked around if they need poor aeration. Some say no and some say yes. If anyone has had or is having experience with betta's please comment on what you think as I really want one for their lifespan and stunning colours.
P.S I have fancy guppies. Is it all right to keep them with 1 or 2.
Betta the Fish of Kings/andQueens
If you are willing to become Enchanted,for the Betta has an ancient primal essence ,places one to "the Golden Age" the Betta is the OriginAl "Fish of Gold" the "Gold"en "Fish
If I were you I'd by Two to surround myself with Antiquity, Google:Devonian era then look up Sacred Contagion. These Fish have been in direct Human contact passed from generation to generation, kept true by a People known for A "Death before DisHonor" culture, the Betta is definitly the way to go !!! (Get enough to where's you and your friends can trade like baseball cards
Thanks again for the advice. I think I will loOk into getting those danios.

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