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  1. kelly528

    Very Strange Septicemia Problem...

    Yep, marbles change color quite fast, and I am seeing the red on a few patches of his body and a bit of black under his gill flap. Looks like pigmentation, not an infection.
  2. kelly528


    Nope, your arm will not disturb water quality, that is unless you have something toxic on your skin (e.g. an industrial cleaner). It's still a good idea to wash your hands before, and especially after putting them in the tank.
  3. kelly528

    Very Strange Septicemia Problem...

    ...are you positive it's really septicemia? I'd give a fish with septicemia a week to live at most... it's basically a blood infection so it psreads pretty fast and is quite lethal. Perhaps you just have an unusually 'veiny' betta?
  4. kelly528

    Pygmi Cory's Vs Kuhli Loaches

    Personally I have never had much luck with pygmy cories (corydoras pygmaeus). Littlecamy would agree! They are quite delicate and despite my best efforts they would slowly die off over a span of months. Never found out why. Just every once in a while a body would turn up. Anyways I know kuhlis...
  5. kelly528

    What Is The Typical Fish Keeper?

    My friends think its hilarious... I took a year off university, stayed at home to work and fell hardcore into fishkeeping. When I came out of the closet they laughed their asses off... I am just a second year student, into all the usual partying, going out with friends, NOT bothering with...
  6. kelly528

    Do I Want An Aquarium?

    And likewise, viewing a fish tank for 30 minutes a day has been clinically shown to dramatically reduce anxitey. Ownership of pretty much any pet has been shown to have extremely beneficial effects on mental and physical health. Its not just limited to 'interactive' pets.
  7. kelly528

    Algae Eater Recomendation

    I really like nerites, they only eat green dust algae but other than that they are hands down the best algae eater on the planet! Very efficient lol... you would only need about 2 of them and they have a lower bioload than apple snails. Another good option is the oto. I know they have a...
  8. kelly528

    Would Blue Rams Eat Assassin Snails?

    Probably not, aren't they technically filter feeders?
  9. kelly528

    Bowl Keeping

    Ahh I see. Well all that would go for any fish though. Doesn't seem relative to any particular species, only how you stock them.
  10. kelly528

    Bowl Keeping

    Yeah, exactly I keep mine at 72. Which for me at least requires a heater, as our house stays at about 62 normally. Where are you finding that ammonia becomes more toxic in warmer water? I've never heard that before. But yeah, on the topic the platy needs a heater.
  11. kelly528

    Bowl Keeping

    ??? Sorry, not many tropical fish keepers have heard of heating fancy goldfish tanks so I am used to proffering the reasons why without waiting for people to post back asking. I didn't mean to put my handbag down, whatever that means. I heard it from 'Fancy Goldfish' by Drs. Richard Hess and...
  12. kelly528

    Filter Wool, Where Do I Put It?

    I always put mine right before my biomedia so that it filters out any fine debris that could get trapped in the biomedia and decrease its surface area.
  13. kelly528

    Bowl Keeping

    A few world-class koi vets and goldfish enthusiasts / authors actually... Dr. Richard Hess comes to mind. Doesn't seem to be a commonly held idea on this forum but on legit goldfish forums such as the GAB and koko's this school of thought also prevails. A temperature in the mid 70s is...
  14. kelly528

    Bowl Keeping

    You'll probably want to invest in a Hydor Mini-Heater (7.5w)... before I knew that fancy goldfish needed a heater I had mine in an unheated tank. I kept tabs on the temperature and it was all over the map, depending on whether we had the heating or air conditioning on or off. There are tons of...
  15. kelly528

    Easily Bred...crustacean?

    From what I hear marbled crayfish seem to be a pretty popular feeder-tank tenant among puffer keepers.
  16. kelly528

    How Big Of A Newbie Were You?

    Hey! It's been about exactly a year since I started fishkeeping! Well officially stated... here I am excluding the 2 fantails in a 2g when I was 8, my betta in a cup and our (surprisingly well stocked, thanks to mom's research) 10g tank. Well I pulled the 10g out of the basement, filled it up...
  17. kelly528

    Bowl Keeping

    Wait how are you heating this thing? Contrary to P@H's B.S. I am highly skeptical that there is such thing as a coldwater platy. You may also want to take into consideration the fact that platies are relatively energetic fish and also seem to enjoy the company of other platies. IMO they are not...
  18. kelly528

    Do I Want An Aquarium?

    ... or get a fishtank and put catfish in it!!!!! I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm so lame lol.
  19. kelly528

    Do I Want An Aquarium?

    Not sure where you live but equipment prices will vary by region, country and continent. Overall I would say a fishtank costs about as much as a cat by the time you look as cost of an aquarium setup, fish and plants (and inevitably the burning desire to set more tanks up) vs. the cost of vet...
  20. kelly528

    Tank Size

    Agreed. Apparently that is just BS marketing by Pets at Home, who clearly understand that you will be spending far more money down the road on meds and an air pump when your fish succumb to illness due to an immune system suppressed by cold than you ever will on a 50W heater. Buy a heater. Not...
  21. kelly528

    Serious About Fishkeeping?

    Well seeing that PPM stands for 'parts per million' it would only make sense that 1 000 000 (1 million) parts per million = 100% ammonia ;)
  22. kelly528

    Best Test Kit

    Yeah but keep in mind that they cost way more per actual test. And plus you will want to know exact levels... say your ammonia is always at .25 ppm due to insufficient filtration. Been that way for years. But you don't know that because the strips give a 0 reading on ammonia. Meanwhile the fish...
  23. kelly528

    Gravel To Sand?

    I think the likelihood of sucking up sand during gravel vacs is highly dependant on the sand you use. For instance I use 3M ColorQuartz (love it!) and it is 'heavier' than most sands and therefore stays on the bottom. Due to my inexperience I suck up about 1/8 of a teaspoon of sand each time I...
  24. kelly528

    To Divide A 5.5 G Or Not

    Personally I don't see a problem with dividing a 5.5g but that is just me... I mean I recommend a minimum of 2.5g for one betta so why not right. If you would keep your betta in a 2.5g why not half of a 5. As long as the nitrates are under control (which they should be unless you are seriously...
  25. kelly528

    Betta Will Only Eat Moving Food...

    First, try pellets instead of flakes. They are generally more palatable from a fish's point of view, usually a whole lot more nutritious and, although strangely on this forum people seem to think the reverse, it is felt by many that they swell less in the fish's gut than pellets. Secondly...
  26. kelly528

    Breeding Zebra Danios

    There are many step by step guides all over the internet, the hardest part is typing it into google. So I'm not gonna go into detail on that. However, FD bloodworms will not do the job for conditioning IMO. You will want to feed them a very generous diet for a few weeks, consisting of a few...
  27. kelly528

    Dwarf Gourami In Futur Tank

    I have to agree, the only time I EVER had any lasting luck with dwarf gouramis is when I had a trio in a 20g. If the tank is any smaller or you keep any less than 2 females to a male I find the males will harass the females to death. In a 20g the females can better 'get away' from the male...
  28. kelly528

    Need Some Help With Injured Fish!

    Well its a good sign if the tail is growing back after 2 days and it may have been an injury... either the fish got trapped in something (ie a decoration) and tore its tail off trying to free itself or it was bitten by another fish. I know loaches have a general reputation for being...
  29. kelly528

    Coldwater Or Tropical?

    Definitely tropical. I can think of very few coldwater fish you could keep in a 25L, goldfish are definitely out of the question (they require a bare minimum of 40L each and must be kept in groups). I too would recommend bettas as a very attractive and hardy fish. Although choosing tankmates...
  30. kelly528

    Need Some Help With Injured Fish! sure those are goldfish?! They look like gold barbs. Or some type of barb. But defintiely NOT goldfish!!! Is it possible that a tail could have gotten caught in the filter? Did you notice any erosion of the tail beforehand? And lastly what are your water stats? Might get more...
  31. kelly528

    Friend Needs Advice On Koi

    First thought is that they can't be worth that much if the previous owner just left them behind. 10" isn't ginormous for a koi and they are mainly priced based on size, lineage, conformation, colour and health. I would say that his best bet is to get some good pictures, then post them on a...
  32. kelly528

    Different Colored Goldfish

    I was browsing a pet store yesterday and saw black comets... they were spectacular! Very similar in coloration to black moors. I recommend you also look into wakins and jikins, they are pond goldfish with some very unique body shapes / colors.
  33. kelly528

    Can Aquatic Frogs Be Kept With Goldfish?

    It would depend on the size of frog, but I'll say no. First of all goldies are notorious for eating just abou tanything tha tthey can catch and fit in their mouth. Secondly, goldfish are huge waste producers wheras frogs are very sensitive to water quality.
  34. kelly528

    Help Please !

    Please answer the questions I give you, its impossible to tell you how to fix somethng when we don't know the cause. If you've goofed up, thats okay just please tell us everything you csn so that we can see what caused this. -How big is the tank? -Cycled or uncycled? -How often do you clean...
  35. kelly528

    Online Community Creators

    Not sure how big the tank is but I have an 80L with a colony of Endlers Livebearers (awesome fish) and pygmy cories as the bottom feeders. Those little guys make the tank look HUUUGE.
  36. kelly528

    New Filter Media For Tropical Setup

    This. In fact a lot of fancy goldfish keepers heat their tanks for this reason... to make the bacteria work faster. For commons, probably not the best idea since they are considerably more active and consume more oxxygen (which is present in smaller amounts as temperature increases) but yeah...
  37. kelly528

    My Neons Dont School

    Depends on the species too. Neons tend to form looser schools but some species like cardinal or rummy-nose tetras from schools with military precision! I had 8 neons when I was a kid and they just enjoyed pokin' around in the plants, always together but not too tightly knit.
  38. kelly528

    Best Filters

    Yep aquaclears are the reigning king of HOB filters, arguably they're the best filter period... relatively cheap, space for biomedia and they last forever. Furthermore they have adjustable flow, and the intake is easy to cover if you're worried about small fishies getting sucked up. The HOB...
  39. kelly528

    Online Community Creators

    Badman's tropical fish, fishlore, tropical fish data and aquaticcommunity all have pretty reliable species profiles. Aqualand pets plus.... NOT SO MUCH. I always find it useful to look at at least 2 tropical fish profiles, since information can vary and the more you look at, the better idea you...
  40. kelly528

    Do You Have To Buy Gouramis As A Pair ?

    Well female guppies at least have a nice tail... I have gotten some real nice ones in the past. That, and they are extremely easy to breed, the possibility of babies without needing to deliberately spawn then, grow the fry out, etc. attracts buyers. I know thats why I got a female guppy as a kid!