Online Community Creators


Fish Fanatic
Nov 13, 2009
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England, Europe, Earth, Milky Way
Which online community creator (eg. Thinkfish community creator, aqadvisor ect. ect.) is the most accurate in species size, compatibility, stocking level ect. ect. Thanks a lot,
Joe :)
Which online community creator (eg. Thinkfish community creator, aqadvisor ect. ect.) is the most accurate in species size, compatibility, stocking level ect. ect. Thanks a lot,
Joe :)

Humans. No kidding. Your best bet for properly stocking a tank is to browse through a book of aquarium species, choose a bunch that catch your eye, then do some backgrounding and eliminate the ones that grow too big, get too aggressive, etc. etc. etc. Then run the final stocking scheme by us and get some feedback.

Online calculators are great for the most part, however bear in mind they often take the 'better safe than sorry' route and when you rely on them you will wind up massively understocking your tank (not that thats a bad thing but we can never have enough fish!!!).
TBH - I would just query any stocking levels right here on the forums, no where else will you easily find such a wide-range and years worth of information. :) And, you can ask questions on it. Too!
Great, thanks :) Is there a good site on the internet which has a good range of fish species and accurate information?
Thanks a million fish ;)

Badman's tropical fish, fishlore, tropical fish data and aquaticcommunity all have pretty reliable species profiles. Aqualand pets plus.... NOT SO MUCH. I always find it useful to look at at least 2 tropical fish profiles, since information can vary and the more you look at, the better idea you will get about correct information for the fish.

As well, we have a pretty decent profile database on fish here.
Thanks, I'll try the fish database here. I'll maybe try some small cories and some small colourful live bearers.
Thanks a bunch :)

Not sure how big the tank is but I have an 80L with a colony of Endlers Livebearers (awesome fish) and pygmy cories as the bottom feeders. Those little guys make the tank look HUUUGE.
Which online community creator (eg. Thinkfish community creator, aqadvisor ect. ect.) is the most accurate in species size, compatibility, stocking level ect. ect. Thanks a lot,
Joe :)
Have you tried putting the same stock levels into both calculators? Completely different results when I tried! :(
Great, thanks :) Is there a good site on the internet which has a good range of fish species and accurate information?
Thanks a million fish ;)

Badman's tropical fish, fishlore, tropical fish data and aquaticcommunity all have pretty reliable species profiles. Aqualand pets plus.... NOT SO MUCH. I always find it useful to look at at least 2 tropical fish profiles, since information can vary and the more you look at, the better idea you will get about correct information for the fish.

As well, we have a pretty decent profile database on fish here.

Which online community creator (eg. Thinkfish community creator, aqadvisor ect. ect.) is the most accurate in species size, compatibility, stocking level ect. ect. Thanks a lot,
Joe :)
Have you tried putting the same stock levels into both calculators? Completely different results when I tried! :(

I cannot speak for Thinkfish and I have no idea how they implemented their calculator but I do know a bit about AqAdvisor. Most of the profile sites mentioned above were used as initial values in AqAdvisor then it gets fine tuned further. I also check the results against real stocking suggestions all the time, and when incorrect they get fixed. and are also very good source of info if you are into catfishes and loaches. :)
I only have a 31 litre aquarium. I'd like a community of endlers and pygmy cories but my local Petsathome doesn't have them. Is there anything on the computer where you can type in a species and your post code and it tells you the closest shop selling the fish?
Joe :)
I wish more people would add on to kelly and yhbae's recommendations for species-info sites. I'm interested in any ranking effort people may have built up for themselves. WD

i have a 39 gallon tank and we currently have 5 danios, betta, germasn blue ram, tetra (pristella and silver tip), gold sucking loach

we have been looking at getting some barbs and angle fish, i would also really love to have a pea puffer ???

please let me know some fish that will thrive in my tank and ones that wont.

i have a 39 gallon tank and we currently have 5 danios, betta, germasn blue ram, tetra (pristella and silver tip), gold sucking loach

we have been looking at getting some barbs and angle fish, i would also really love to have a pea puffer ???

please let me know some fish that will thrive in my tank and ones that wont.

Could you please start a new thread for your query? It'll make it much easier for people to help you :)

Could you also post the dimensions of the tank, the exact numbers of fish you have currently, and whether your water is hard or soft; all those factors have to be taken into account, before we can recommend some suitable fish for you. Angels, for example, need tall tanks to accommodate them properly.

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