Coldwater Or Tropical?


New Member
May 1, 2010
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Am currently in the process or my fishless cycle.

I've got a small 25l tank (Rena Light 30)

I'm totaly new to this, so want some good looking and easy to look after fish.

My last decision is whether to go coldwater or tropical.

Woudl appreciate any advice, in regards to ease of looking after the fish/good looking fish (to keep the missus happy).

Don't know if this affects the decision but missus likes shrimps, and was hoping to have a couple in the tank.

In a tank that size, there are very few coldwater options available, most of which are difficult to obtain in the first place. There still aren't a huge number of tropical options, but there are still more of them. Examples include endlers, a betta, pygmy cories, microrasboras, cherry barbs, shrimp. There are quite a lot of threads about stocking small tanks if you search this forum.
Well to start things of, tropical has much more of a selection than cold water :nod:
Definitely tropical. I can think of very few coldwater fish you could keep in a 25L, goldfish are definitely out of the question (they require a bare minimum of 40L each and must be kept in groups).

I too would recommend bettas as a very attractive and hardy fish. Although choosing tankmates for them can be difficult (anything they aren't big enough to eat or fight will either bully them or nip at their absurdly long fins), they are often noted for their relative intelligence and distinct 'personalities'. 1 betta in a 25L tank would prove extremely easy for mainitenance, in fact I currently keep a single betta in a 25L (well 5.5g) tank myself... he hardly makes a dent in the bioload and I am confident that with enough plant growth water changes could be performed as infrequently as once a month, if at all.

Here is my 25L betta setup:

Unfortunately they often like to eat dwarf shrimp. Another route to go would be a school of microrasboras (ie celestial pearl danios or chili rasboras) and some dwarf shrimp. Pygmy gouramis and sparkling gouramis are also excellent for this size.
I was/am tempted to buy a 25L tank off my friend to have as a betta and snail tank. I have a 30L tank that i've planted up and have a small shoal of the smaller Rasbora's in there

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