My Neons Dont School


Feb 10, 2010
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I was given 3 neon tetras 3 days ago by a friend who was closing down their tank. The first hour or so they schooled, but since then they have not. They all swim around singly.

What could be causing this? Is it possible they are just not scared? They seem healthy and interact with other fish, but then swim away again.
I think neons are best off with a group of 5 or 6, maybe you might need to up the amount of neons you have?
I might do when I've had them for a couple of weeks if they are still well. Problem is theyre really old and have been in their 3 for a long time, so dont know if I want to add to them as I dont actually want tetras in the long term.

Also I heard that they will school more tightly if in small groups, or if they feel threatened. But mine dont at all. Its all very strange.
So I take it that would mean that they will be fine in the number they are in? Unless I start seeing some defensive tight-schooling?
Any schooling fish really needs 6+ if you want to watch them swim in a school. I really prefer 10-12 with the smaller fish because they really look cool that way. With my silver dollars I still have 6 of them and they are pretty big fish really but they swim together all the time
Agreed on all counts with frankie. Neons need a school of 6 or more, add another 5 and you'll start seeing WAYYY more natural behaviour. And the neons will be a lot better off too :)
If they've been in a small group for a long time, then adding more isn't going to have much of a benefit. I've found that tetras kept individually/in very small groups act much like a 'normal' fish- as in, not a member of a shoal, but as individuals who are happy to interact with other fish without feeling the need to group together for security.
It would still be of benefit to add more to the group, as they are found in hundreds in their natural habitat.
I have 9 Neons in my tank and they don't school either. The only time they school is when I come up to the tank or feed them. They don't do it any other time.

Just my experience with mine, lol.
This is a common problem with most people have with fish tanks. They want to setup a fish tank the way they want to and add the fish they choose to disregarding how fish are in the wild. If you take a schooling fish and only put 1-2 of them in tank they have a totally different personality then they would in the larger groups. A lot of your barbs, tetras fin nip other fish when not in a school because they try and setup a whole pecking order like school does. I noticed my fish acted totally different when I started planting tanks rather then the crap plastic decorations.

Key is do a little research and sometimes you have to do changes to your tank for the fish not yourself (decorations, add/remove fish).

I am about to add some cardinals to my heavily planted tank but I was wanting to make sure I had room for at least 15 to 20 of them before I add a single one.
I have 9 Neons in my tank and they don't school either. The only time they school is when I come up to the tank or feed them. They don't do it any other time.

Just my experience with mine, lol.

Depends on the species too. Neons tend to form looser schools but some species like cardinal or rummy-nose tetras from schools with military precision! I had 8 neons when I was a kid and they just enjoyed pokin' around in the plants, always together but not too tightly knit.
I have 5 black neons, they school but 1 seems to follow my betta about like a loyal puppy. I think they get confused easy :lol:
I have 5 black neons, they school but 1 seems to follow my betta about like a loyal puppy. I think they get confused easy :lol:

My black neons seem to follow one of my otos up and down the tank. Don't think he appreciates it though, every time they get close, he shoots off somewhere, then they follow him... strange, but entertaining
When I had neons 5 of them schooled together and one just went off and did his own thing.

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