Dwarf Gourami In Futur Tank


New Member
Mar 23, 2010
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I plan on getting a 10 gallon tank one day and I was woundering would it be a good idea to have a male/female pair of Dwarf Gouramis in the tank. So what is your opinion?
I plan on getting a 10 gallon tank one day and I was woundering would it be a good idea to have a male/female pair of Dwarf Gouramis in the tank. So what is your opinion?

most gourami types dont pal around in pairs such as with many cichlids. the male dwarf will chase the female a lot. you could probably have a pair in there but the tank should be well planted with a lot of hiding spots.

i hear honey gouramis are much less aggressive toward their own kind, maybe you should try that? they look a lot like dwarfs anyway
With gouramis it is generally recommended to have 2 females and a male, or just a single male.
its a great idea as dwarf gouramis pair together the best out of most gouramis
they are reccomended for the community aquarium.

i have a pair in all of my tanks
its a great idea as dwarf gouramis pair together the best out of most gouramis
they are reccomended for the community aquarium.

i have a pair in all of my tanks

I was wondering if you can have two females dwarf gouramis?
Two female gouramis would be fine, they are peaceful. But they are not as colourful, thats why people prefer males.

I have a pair of Lace Gouramis who live peacefully together. They always swim around together and i have never witnessed anu aggression between them. They look great too, i would recommend them, although maybe not for a ten gallon. Depends what else would be in there.
Dwarf gouramis are some of the more agressive ones, and I wouldn't put a pair in a 10 gallon tank. The female will get hassled too much and might die of stress (dwarfs are very prone to diseases due to stress). It is a bit smallish but you can get away with a trio (1 male, 2 females) of honey gouramis if you have good filtration and heavy planting.
I have to agree, the only time I EVER had any lasting luck with dwarf gouramis is when I had a trio in a 20g. If the tank is any smaller or you keep any less than 2 females to a male I find the males will harass the females to death. In a 20g the females can better 'get away' from the male. Single males also do fine on their own IME. Mine sure did after he harrassed to death each of the 3 females I put with him :(

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