Help Please !


Fish Fanatic
Mar 3, 2010
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Yesterday my black moore crept behind my filter at night, i found him in the morning and gently removed him, but his tail is in poor shape, the left side of the fin has how fallen off and only a few strings remain, the other side is fine and he seems to be swimming ok. The area around the tail has also turnt white. The black moore isnt very old around 4 months. Question is do i remove him or will he harm the other fish ? and will his tail grow back at all !!!

Any help will be appreciated,

Thank you
Yesterday my black moore crept behind my filter at night, i found him in the morning and gently removed him, but his tail is in poor shape, the left side of the fin has how fallen off and only a few strings remain, the other side is fine and he seems to be swimming ok. The area around the tail has also turnt white. The black moore isnt very old around 4 months. Question is do i remove him or will he harm the other fish ? and will his tail grow back at all !!!

Any help will be appreciated,

Thank you

Please answer the questions I give you, its impossible to tell you how to fix somethng when we don't know the cause. If you've goofed up, thats okay just please tell us everything you csn so that we can see what caused this.

-How big is the tank?

-Cycled or uncycled?

-How often do you clean it?

-How much water do you change?

-What filter(s) are you running (make and model)?

-How big is the fish?

-Any tankmates? What species?

And lastly, water stats...


Thanks for the information. When we know a little more about the water quality we can start diagnosing and suggest an appropriate treatment.
Thanks for your help :) but its all sorted now went to a very good local fish shop and they sorted it :) the black moore is well on the way to recovery now and his tail is being looked after with great care :) thanks

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