What Is The Typical Fish Keeper?


Fish Crazy
Apr 8, 2010
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are people suprised when you say you are into tropical fish ? no one ever believes me im 46 a builder cropped hair love me footie like a beer when asked about hobbies im never believed . id imagine its even worse for a women so what do you do for a liveing and do people bekieve you keep fish ?
nope they always say thats a bit of an old mans hobbie isnt it lol
hi, all the kids at school seem shocked that i'm into fish keeping, because i play rugby, and shoot rabbits and pigeons and that sort of thing. they all seem to think it's for nerds. :grr:
I think most people think that - until they see your tank - then they fall in love with it and want fish themselves! The amount of people ive explained to that its not just a case of getting a tank and dumping the fish in - they have no idea about filters, bacteria etc and what fish keeping involves!

I am a mum of 3 grown up children and run my own online retail business :D
peopel expect me to be frittering away my hard earned money on booze and fags, while in reality me and the otehr half would rather stay in a watch tv and play video games together :)

at my uni interview the guy asked me what my hobbies were i said fishkeeping, and he called me boring...he was a ##40#2!
mad aint it really i think we are all a funny bunch so far a hunter a mum of 3 grown up kids a school teacher i think and a footie hooligan (when younger lol )
My friends think its hilarious... I took a year off university, stayed at home to work and fell hardcore into fishkeeping. When I came out of the closet they laughed their asses off... I am just a second year student, into all the usual partying, going out with friends, NOT bothering with science or anything related, then all of a sudden fishkeeping?! I often wonder what I would have thought if the 'me' from a year ago could see the 'me' today!

Only other girl fishkeepers my age can relate lol.
i am a butcher and abit of a jack the lad. a dont no any one that thinks fish keepin is as good as it is untill u get into it!
I am a trainee electrician, only just got my first proper tank, I don't actually know anyone personally who keeps any tropical fish, not that usual for many younger people unless everyone is in the closet lol
Im a graphic design student but not really related to why I keep fish. Though in a way I guess? When I started my courses I started enjoying researching so when I got my first goldfish and started reading I got hooked and getting into the real heart of fish keeping is one of the things I love, just discovered Hieko Blehers (spelling) blog and that is just fantastic its those kind of roots of the hobby that I love.

One reason I think people dont keep fish is that there are so many myths about it being hard it really isnt frustrating and accident prone at times but there are fool proof plans for just about every aspect which brings me to the next reason I dont think there is a generic keeper because of the cash input needed at times. I mean now I can justify spending a couple of grand on a fish house and show tank but there just no way people other than you guys and my girlfriend that will understand when my family finally see it they will just hit the roof and think Im insane...
I too am a butcher :fun: its just one of those things unless people knew you before you got them and you told them, they just never believe you!!
I'm a student training to be a mental health nurse and i work part time in an LFS. Whenever i'm asked about hobbies i tend to mention my other activities e.g. Taekwondo rather than my fish keeping my mates think it's wierd untill they see my bedroom which i had custom build to hold my tanks haha the reaction is always the same

:hyper: WOW just WOW :hyper:
My life is so boring, people guess i keep fish without me even saying a word...

its funny cos I have kept them for 19 years since I was 15 and my mates have always taken the mick but now they;re all old and married and boring they have all got tanks!! ha ha
are people suprised when you say you are into tropical fish ? no one ever believes me im 46 a builder cropped hair love me footie like a beer when asked about hobbies im never believed . id imagine its even worse for a women so what do you do for a liveing and do people bekieve you keep fish ?

lol tell me about it im a tattooed skinhead builder , loud , brash and crude and a proper blokes bloke, but actually im also a polite respectful intelegent person who appreciates wildlife ,the countryside and animals in general etc. and when i start talking about my tank and the plants im growing in it etc people tend to look at me as if to say well i didnt expect that from somebody like you.

just gos to show how the pre-defined stereotypes portrayed by the "politically correct and socially acceptable standards" can affect and influence peoples perception of what a person is like based purely on their appearance . sad but thats just the way things tend to be .

kind of adds weight to the old addage of not judging a book by its cover .

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