Search results

  1. guppy fan

    Cat Pooping!

    I hope your cat is doing better. One of my cats had bloody poop last year. It was just an infection and it cleared up upon seeing the vet and getting medication.
  2. guppy fan

    What Kind Of Dogs Do You Have/have Had?

    Lol, It's actually spelled shih-tzu I think, or something pretty close to that. The t is actually supposed to make a d sound. I used to have one of those, there is a picture of her on the first page of this thread. They are great dogs.
  3. guppy fan

    What Kind Of Dogs Do You Have/have Had?

    Wow, MBOU, that'a a really pretty dog! PTOM on ether of the last two pictures.
  4. guppy fan

    July Pet Of The Month

    Wow, they are all nice pictures! I had such a hard time choosing.
  5. guppy fan

    Some Recent Pictures Of Rocky

    I love picture 6, he looks like he just got into some chocolate or something :D. beautiful dog.
  6. guppy fan

    My Cat!

    She looks cute. I had a cat that looked like her growing up.
  7. guppy fan

    Found A Kitten Dumped...

    He sounds like a pretty little guy. I'm glad your dog found him, your pup is so sweet! I'm so glad that there are people in this world who would help a little kitten like that. Perhaps you could post a sign around were you found him just incase someone has lost him.
  8. guppy fan

    Casper And Poppy

    Wow, looks like your cat and dog are getting along really well! Does she actually have milk? My little boy kitten likes to suckle on our female kitten, who doesn't have any milk. When we see him doing it we pull him away because if this continues into adulthood he could suckle a sore onto her.
  9. guppy fan

    Some Of My Skinny Pig Lads

    Nice guinea pigs. I think boy #2 is my favorite, I like the orange coloring on his snout. Are their personalities a little different from other breads or just their looks? lol, I don't know much about guinea pigs.
  10. guppy fan

    The Cone Of Shame

    Thanx, she is doing much better now. She's been sitting on and laying with the work I have been trying to do :P.
  11. guppy fan

    George My New Kitten

    Aww What a cutie! I have a tabby kitten, he is in my avatar. I also used to have a cat named George, it's a cute name.
  12. guppy fan

    The Cone Of Shame

    My two kittens, Sophie and Kirby, got neutered and spayed recently. Sophie got to wear a cone for a little while and I got some cute pictures of her all drugged up in it. She may not have liked it, but she did need it. We took it off her for a minuet once so she could clean herself after eating...
  13. guppy fan

    Central Bearded Dragons

    Cool pictures. I've always liked reptiles, but never really kept any of my own. I took care of a king snake for a little while though, I liked her.
  14. guppy fan

    Roobees Pregnant

    I'm so sorry to hear that, but I'm glad she's okay.
  15. guppy fan

    There Due

    Congratulations, I can't wate to see the pictures!
  16. guppy fan

    Roobees Pregnant

    Congratulations! If you are not planning on keeping the puppies you might not want to name them, as this will make it harder for you to let them go.
  17. guppy fan

    Miracle - Found In The Tip!

    I'm so glad that you saved him! I hope he makes it. Keep up the good work!
  18. guppy fan

    My Furbabies :d

    I'll second the nom. My pup, dexter used to have that same toy when he was a puppy. What breed of dog is Bing? I think Kiwi is a cute name for a dog, and is she a black lab mix? Btw, do you find that your female dogs are a little bit less cuddly than you male one? Just curious.
  19. guppy fan

    House Bunny?

    I had one, and I loved her. Sorry I can't give very much info atm cuz I have to go to bed, but here goes. Their diets should be supplemented with fruits, vegetables, and hay (not straw). Bunnies are not taught to use a litter box by their moms like cats are, so you do have to train them, but it...
  20. guppy fan


    Male betas make bubble nests at the tope of their tanks when they're in the mood. They make little bubbles with their mouths. Some nests can be really big. The female (although there doesn't need to be one for a male to make a nest) then will lay her eggs in the nest where it will be less likely...
  21. guppy fan

    New Puppy

    Wow, some good photos! I'd like to nominate pic 5 and 9 if I can.
  22. guppy fan

    My Slightly Grumpy Cat - Casey

    She's a beautiful cat. One of the cats that I have now has markings similar to hers. She's an orange bicolor with tabby markings. The cat I had growing up was kinda grumpy too. Oh well, you just got to love'em any ways :).
  23. guppy fan

    Crested Gecko

    Wow, what a pretty lizard.
  24. guppy fan

    My Silly Cat...have No Idea Why She's Sleeping There.

    Cats are so funny! They just do the oddest things :fun: .
  25. guppy fan

    Introducing Cocoa The Staffy Pup :)

    Aww, how cute! The heat pad is a good idea. I love the last picture. Could she really walk yet when you got her?
  26. guppy fan

    Shredded Tail :(

    Hi, looks like your beta might have a bit of fin rot. My beta has gotten this a few times. I just make sure his water is nice a clean and treat the water with melfix (you can get this at your local fish shop). There are a few other stronger medications that you can buy too. About the yellow...
  27. guppy fan

    Meet Pigsy

    I haven't met a terrier that isn't insane, lol. He is a cute dog. I'll second the nom.
  28. guppy fan

    My Cousin's Samoyeds

    Nice pics, that's a good idea for a present.
  29. guppy fan

    Feeding Wile On Vacation.....?

    I'm going to be going on a vacation for 9 days and I was wondering if my fish would be okay for that long? Should I have someone come and feed him? I do have this topfin three day feeder thing, but it says it's for 5-10 medium or small sized fish. If I put that in there will it put ammonia in...
  30. guppy fan

    What's Your Favourite Pet?

    I'm surprised to see that cats are beating dogs so far.
  31. guppy fan

    Ha, My Cat's So Funny....!

    Haha, your cats are cute. That made me want to try teaching my my cats to sit and beg.
  32. guppy fan

    My New Kitten =)

    Cute little Tortie. I almost picked out a tortoiseshell two months ago when we got out little kittens. Cats are so fun! Well, not the litter cleaning part :sick: but hay :) ya still gotta love'em.
  33. guppy fan

    Our New Rescue Dog

    That's awesome that you adopted a new dog. He looks very happy in his new home. I love the first pic, it's a good action shot. I'd like to nominate that one for ptom if I still can.
  34. guppy fan

    Help Me Pick A Name!

    I'm glad that they are both okay. Sunny is a cute name. I think Guppy might be a fun name for a horse.
  35. guppy fan

    My Cat's :p

    I'll second the nomination. Your cats are so cute. That picture of all your kittens is adorable. I love tabbies. I have a ginger tabby and an orange calico that has tabby stripes on her sploches.
  36. guppy fan

    Hit 2 Small Birds With My Car Today

    Oh, I'm sorry. A duck hit us once, it ran right into the side of the car. It walked away though. It's kind of hard to tell with birds because they usualy fly away right before you would hit them.
  37. guppy fan

    My Cats In The Woods

    Nice cats, I love the picture of your cat's eye!
  38. guppy fan

    Anyone Have A Green Eyed Dog?

    My shih-tzu was supposed to have green eyes, but when the color fully developed they where just plane dark brown. She was a good dog.
  39. guppy fan

    My Other Pets

    What breed of rabbits are those? They are cute. I love african greys. Is that kid in the second pic double jointed? His arm looks like it's bent in a wierd way, or maby it's just the liting.
  40. guppy fan

    New Puppy

    Aww, she's cute. Yep, brachiocephalic dogs (dogs with short noses) tend to snore and snort. My shih-tzu, Chloe, was always snorting and she snored a lot too. It was kinda cute.