Miracle - Found In The Tip!


THE Triop Man XD
May 31, 2009
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this is miracle


he has been called miracle because......he is only about 2 week s old and was found at my sisters boyfriends work, he started of in a big pile of rubish (like 8 foot high!!!) then he got picked up with a big clump of the rubbish and put into the compactor!!!! lucky for him my sisters boyfriend heard his meows and they started to dig into the compacted rubbish, so far he is doing pretty good but his eye doesnt look to happy, he is eating and so far has gone for a wee, im so happy he is alive :)
OMG how can people be so down right *insert swear word here* cruel !! Good on you for taking miracle in , I took in a 2day old kitten before & handreared calling her " lucky ". Has miracle been to the vets for its eye? It'll defo need lots of tlc , Do you intend to keep miracle hun or rehome?
How can anyone do that is beyond me, there is places they can go these days to hand over an unwanted animal.

Poor thing i really hope he's ok x
8 lives left
im glad it ok
that is a awfull thing it makes me really mad animals getting dumped allover the place thats why we rescue turtles and fish but we have also rescued 2 male rats the other week lol its like chesterfield zoo hehe
poor kitty...that makes me so sad...but good for you for taking him/her in...id have done the same. a nice warm washcloth will help with that eye. poor baby :angry:
ps- black cats are my favorite!!!
best of luck!
well, miracle is a he :rolleyes: he has started to meow loads it so cute lol, ye we took him to our local and was told to keep it clean with cold tea, and then warm water...i know i was really confused at first! we are not sure if he was dumped or a kitten from one of the wild cats at the tip, they havent managed to find any other kittens so we are guessing he may have been dumped :( it does seem he is pining for his mum though, my gf doesnt like cats but see finds this one real cute which is a gd thing! we have decided that overnight my sister will look after him and in the day my younger sister, her friend and my girlfriend will look after him in the day, he's going to get loads of tlc for sure ^_^

we also noticed he cant get enough of peoples shoulders lol
Have you managed to get some kitten powder formula? Being 2wks old he will still be needing this. You can get it vets but most bigger pet shops sell it cheaper. Check the tins as they usually come with a kitty sized feeding bottle. He/she is far to young for kitten meat & needs all the vits from the milk really. You can buy it from £5 upto £11 for the bigger tubs.
If you have a heat teddy , ya know like the ones you warm in the microwave stuffed inside something? That will help miracle feel cozy & keep his/her temp right, Feeding will be every few hours & you will need to wipe his her back end to stimulate to go the loo. I'm guessing the vet would of told you this anyway but just incase i hope you dont mind me adding it .

please keep us updated :)
nope im glad you added it, would help anyone else if they came across the same issue :) but yes we was told all that and my little sister is doing her NVQ in landbased animal care so that helped alot with the whole loo thing lol he is trying to open his other eye now :D its all bunged up so we have lightly tryed to get rid of any gung we could, he is alot happier now he has been here for a while, can i also add that a wild adult cat was found looking around the orginal area where he was picked up from, we have decided agaisnt taking him back though as the tip isnt the best of places for him to be brought up, and we are worried the mother may reject him now, also yes we have a little feeding bottle and milk for him luckily our vet plus pet store isnt that bad and very helpfull :) i will post some more pics tomoz as he trys to walk around but falls, its so cute lol
Aww fab, sorry didn't want you to think i was telling you what to do just going off experience that's all :)

Defo don't take the kitten back, it is likely he will get rejected by mum which is a shame.

I love black or b/w cats they are so gorgeous, Give him a tickle from me :)
no, i didnt think you was telling me what to do, i think its very helpfull ^_^ but to update on him, we contacted a cat protection near us and he is now having all his vet bills payed! we are very impressed with it, we had him checked over again for his eye at the vets, unfortunatly the vet is worried that because he is so young that he may not make it :( we have been advised to keep him in the towl to keep him warm, anyway the vet also thinks he will be blind in his closed eye :( its ok he still has the other one! at least it doesnt seem to be causing any discomfort. i also have some updated pictures of him today !

this has to be the cutest although blurry,





see we do have a proper bottle for him but he keeps gaging on it so we have now got a "babys" bottle which he throughly enjoys lol

Awwww, poor little baby :( So glad he was found by people who are willing to take care of him. He's gonna grow up to be a handsome kitty.
Awwww..bless you for caring for him :wub: We took in a rescue kitty who was 9 weeks old and had been abused by kids :( ....it took a lot of work to gain her confidence and for the first week I looked like I'd been attacked by a Panther...she was so scared of human contact. I wasn't going to keep her [as I have five dogs], but three years on she's still her and we love her to bits!

Keep up the good work hun!!!!!!

Lisa x
ok so...after we had a scare because he decided to start choking we found it to be a virus, he is now on more antibiotics to get rid of it, he keeps sneezing like say about 10 sneezes in one go! anyway he seems to be alot better now so i have some more pictures!





i cant wait for him to grow up abit! he sort of struggles to walk about, its so cute lol

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