Found A Kitten Dumped...


Jun 7, 2009
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Decided to take the dogs out just before tea, nothing unusual about that.
But for some reason I didnt go the way I usually go. Its a woodland area that has heaps of different walks you can go on.
So anyway, I was walking along when one of my dogs ( who is the biggest softie in the world) stopped at an old, crumpled black bag. Dogs are nosey so I didnt think anything of it and kept walking. I was about half an mile ahead of my dog, and he still wouldnt move from the bag, I shouted a million times and still no movement, which is really weird as he is my most obedient dog.
I went back to see what he was whinging about. It was just a bag, so I tried to pull him away but instead he lay flat on the ground with his nose touching the bag. So I moved the top layer of the bag, and there was this tiny tiny little grey and silver kitten curled up in a ball!
I couldnt believe it, so I quickly scooped him up, not caring about whether he would attack me, as covered in fleas ect.
Took him home and dried him up, then he curled himself up on my knee!
He is the sweetest little guy I have ever met..Yes he is a he!
He hasnt got any fleas which is lucky, but he has mites in his ears which I treated straight away.
He's only been here since 5pm and already he's following me around like a shadow :lol:
So i guess he's staying with me...:)
He has the vet tomorro to be checked over, but apart from being absolutely starving and extremely thirsty he's fine!
Sooo affectionate!
Sorry about my little essay, just wanted to tell someone!!!!
I will upload photo's at some point, dont want to stress him too much!!
OMG this is the nicest story!!! Really cheered me up!!! Welldone on your dog for rescuing the kitten!

Perhaps someone is missing him though?
well done but what scum would just leave that poor thing there
I know, he got a huge bone for it!
Thats what I thought, but where I walk the dogs its a woodland, with no houses nearby. For a kitten that small to wonder so far Im not sure it did!
There are foxes and all sorts in those woods!!
to be honest it sounds like someone put him in a bin bag and just dumped him
I'll have everything done that needs done at the vet tommorro, he only looks to be about 5-6 weeks old!
fair play to you and your dog tho mate

After he is settled and everthing PICS PICS!!!!! :shout:
He sounds like a pretty little guy. I'm glad your dog found him, your pup is so sweet! I'm so glad that there are people in this world who would help a little kitten like that. Perhaps you could post a sign around were you found him just incase someone has lost him.
So had him to the vets, all is well except He is underweight, which was too be expect, also has really bad ear mites
We got ear drops for him and some wormer for young kittens.
The vet thinks he's about 7 weeks old, but is smaller than average as he hasnt been getting the right nutrients from his mum for a few weeks.
He's such an affectionate wee guy, I'll go rake around for my USB cable for my fone to get some pics up for you!
that's good news considering. Do you have to feed him anything in particular to get his weight up and make sure he gets all the nutrients he needs?
He has some sort of drops that we put in his water, and also have food from the vet ( that costs a bomb, but worth it) Dont ask whats in it or that cos I just go by what the vet said :lol:
after about 2 weeks you should be able to wein him off the expensive vet food and put him on some high protein kitten food, (in gravy, or jelly) and then also put some dried buscuits down for him during the day.

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