What Kind Of Dogs Do You Have/have Had?

I use to have a black lab and a golden mix when I was young, but we re-homed them because we moved. And now I have a Min PIn Chiuhuah mix. We got all of the dogs from the pound.


I second POTM nomination for this picture! I actually laughed!!! :)
Grew up with a miniature Poodle, Tipsey, who was very un-poodle like. Rough & tumble little dog, would play all day with rowdy boys. Once I moved out I got a Yorkie, Spice, then a Westie, Basil, about 18 months later. After those two came a Cairn terrier, Ozzy, after him came my current two dogs, Australian Terriers.

Kazimeras is on the left, Gustavus is on the right;



This is when they are behaving, for smaller dogs they play seriously rough. Gus is the instigator for the most part, Kaz is the retaliator. This is an advantage, most terriers should be hand stripped for proper grooming, they do most of this on each other.
We have an ex-racer greyhound named Charlie, but his racer name was "airport flash" he is 13 now, so old and struggling tbh, here he is!

Heres my dog Max(hound/lab/shepard) that I recused from the SPCA about 6 years ago. He's got major problems as a result of being abused and abandoned :( Seperation anxiety and trust issues as well as certain common noises drive him insane. Hes improved alot since I got him and worked with him but these 3 issues he will always unfortunatly have.

He is 14 years now and in awesome health. We still go for an hour long walk everyday which I think has kept him so healthy in his old age.

He is the BEST dog I could ever ask for and I love him so much :) :) :)

(He looks kinda mad in his pics because he HATES the camera, the flash scares him. He always turns his head away so I have to say "walk" or "treat" in order for him to look which makes him kinda angry)




''What Are You Looking At!!!'' :lol:

''A Stretching Session In The Morning'' :lol:

''Go On, Rub Me Tummy...NOW!!!!'' :lol:

Thats Neo [Ne-Yo] My long haired germand shepherd.

Our house was burgaled twice so we bought him from the police dog academy. He does the following on command;

Watch [barks at people in our field who shoudn't be there]
Down [lie down]
roll over
paw [i taught him that]
and the best;
up [climb up his ramp to the top of his doggy mansion.

I also need to get a pic of him on a nice sunny day when he is smiling :D
He should really be called cuddles :p

p.s Should I enter one of his pictures for potm?
Two people have to nominate your pcitures for POTM you can't enter a photo yourself.

I'll nominate your first picture for POTM.
Hi ive had a black labrador called trixie a golden retreiver show dog called sonny,barn kirk sonnet lol (show name)
and the idiot dog spike (who i have now) he is a staffie x collie and he's a propper madhaed lol





ooohhh yes he is about 7/8 years old but he acts like a 2 year old on drugs lol he just bounces everywhere lol he is soooo liveley lol but he is awesome lol
I have a little Yorkshire terrier x ####zu, he is smaller than my daughters cat

This is a pic of him this morning still waking up on our bed


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