Shredded Tail :(


Fish Fanatic
Jul 2, 2009
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After cleaning his tank, I saw this!!!!!! :( :(

This was him before ....growing his fins :)

This is the tank


I got i removed the coconut which i had added two days ago. As well as the driftwood.....I had boiled these two things before putting them in the tank. Yesterday I felt like the water was kind of yellowy but I wasn't sure because the lamp i had beside the tank gives off yellow light.

What should be my next step :( ? I'm so upset!
Hi, looks like your beta might have a bit of fin rot. My beta has gotten this a few times. I just make sure his water is nice a clean and treat the water with melfix (you can get this at your local fish shop). There are a few other stronger medications that you can buy too. About the yellow water, it was probably caused by the driftwood. Even boiled wood will put a yellow tint in the water, but don't worry. This is harmless, and some say it is actually good for the fish.

P.S. you might get a better response if you post about this in the fish emergency section.

Good luck, I hope he gets well soon :)
Though be careful with melafix. I'd use it at half strength on a betta as they have been known to react badly to full doses.
He was fine in the morning when i left though....could there be that much of a drastic change by evening? I'll post some clearer pictures.
i suspect he caught it in the filter intake or munched his own tail...doesnt really look like finrot to me.
put a pair of clean tights around the filter intake and secure it with a rubber band...if it is the filter problem solved...just keep an eye on even more fin regression as then it just might be finrot (although looks more like an injury to me in the pics)
clean clean water is the best remedy...agreed to half dose the melafix...some react badly and you dont want to learn the hard way like i did. :(
best of luck and keep us updated!!!
I dont have a filter, but i will do water changes everyday. What does melafix do again?
Antibacterial + I think anti fungal. Also aids regrowth somehow. It's basically just watered down tea tree oil.
I've had great results with it in the past.
So do i just add that in the tank....or do i need to put him in hospital tank.....

He's acting the same crazy he isn't sick... I dont think. Thanks for your help
Alright will do that...

Is it safe for me to put the drift wood back in...or jsut give him some space to heal up..oh and I was thinking of getting a java fern plant for him......does it need a fertilizer? filter? still water? light? (Right now I have a lamp beside the tank, 60w)
YOu will need a filter for water turnover with plants and it will benefit your tank imensely anyway. Do you have a heater?

Run you light for about 6-8hrs a day and put a root tab (available from most LFS) under were you place the plant.

i'm not a plant expert in the slightest but i have grown both elodia and cabomba very succesfully just by doing this.
Yes I have a heater,

Im going to try and make one of those DIY filter......once that is set up and it works...then i'll introduce the plant....I should take things slow...instead of getting too excited. :fun:
Plants actually use ammonia as a source of Nitrogen which is a good way of helping to remove it from the water.

So adding plants sooner rather than later is a good thing.

If you start with really cheap plants like elodea then you can't go wrong! :)

Just looked on ebay. 50 stems of elodea is only £2.50. Of course you prob don't want to add that many stems. You probably want more like 20 stems. But...the point is they're super cheap!
I live in I'm unsure of where to get these plants from.....when you order them from do they send it to you?

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