What Kind Of Dogs Do You Have/have Had?

I have a King Charles cavalier, love him to bits, he is two years old and called Barney. My first dog was a golden retriever called Prince he had to be pts at nearly 12yrs old.

Never even thought about it when I typed it in, but wow... it is a legitimate dog breed and all :eek:

Lol, It's actually spelled shih-tzu I think, or something pretty close to that. The t is actually supposed to make a d sound. I used to have one of those, there is a picture of her on the first page of this thread. They are great dogs.
I have two border collies toby the old and wise one and sam the mental loopy stupid one lol

Toby is nearly 9 we got him from a couple who sadly beat him and we got him at 3 months :angry: so he was nervous of everyone
and anything but with our help and lots of tennis balls and squeaky toys he is now a happy go lucky old boy lol. :hyper:


I do have more pics but they all on my computer at home

Then we have sam who is 3 he is mental from all angles lol he loves to play anywhere and at anytime :blink: :rolleyes: we got him from a farm where his parents are working dogs luckily my cousin has his brother so we meet up and let them both play with toby watching or playing with a ball lol :lol:



When they first met

And now
very nice doggies everyone :wub:

Well the first dog I can remember was Cesear. He died before I was 5. He was big and black/white. A hunting dog type I believe.

Next came a german short hair name dot. Def my dads hunting dog.

A few years after dot, my mom thought we needed a kids dog. She found us a golden retriever/samoyed mix that we named punky. Let me tell ya she WAS hairy.

After that was a black lab. only had him for a short time :( Ran away and never did find him.

Since i've ALWAYS had dogs throughout my childhood i felt lost not having one. About 4 years ago we found foxy.



And then this Feb we found Beau. Kinda by accident. I was just browsing the humane society and saw these cute little hound puppies. I brought my hubby in and just had to have one. He didn't object surprisingly.




I just love his brindle coat. First brindle dog we've ever had.

Def not a purebreed hound, tho. That's alright. I'll have his DNA analyzed one of these days just to satisfy my curiosity...lol

this one was taken just a few days ago


he came to weighing like 7 pounds maybe?? and now he's at 42lbs...lol. Almost the same as the other dog and he's only 8 months old and foxy's 5.
I have a 14year old petite basset griffon vendeen called Digby. and 2 18 month old doberman x rhodesian ridgebacks called Rusty and Milo. Word of advice, dont take 2 daughters to look at A puppy. you wont come home with A puppy!!!!! Luckily they come to work with me and have 100 acres to exercise themselves.
My first and only dogs are my 2 red short hair miniture (and fat) dachsunds cilla(11) and rolly(9) i'll have to uploads sum pics of them.

They're my babies.
Hi had a staffordshire bullterrier and a dalmation x staffie when I was young. Since had a couple of rescue cases a rough collie x and a boxer both of whom have passed on. I now have a 12 year old GSD ***** Sheba who was a rescue at 8 months old .....


and an adorable 3 year old mischevious spoilt basset hound called Mr Fredrick Freers (Fred) who I had at 6 weeks as his mum had died.....

I know them pair,lol...hope they got their suitcases packed and their passports up to date missus????

Ps..get that camera over here til i get a go !!
Stunning GSD you have there tropic John :drool:

Lol ... u only want me for my camera :D never mind theirs..(although there done) mine were packed ages ago :blush: can't wait...
I have a 1 year old Choc Labrador who will be 2 on the 25th of october!! She Is a big puppy and will never sit still! :D

This is Maisie in spring earlier this year!!


Maisie being a cutie (the white mark on here nose is a scar from sniffing a hedgehog)


Maisie sitting down nicely (first time ever :lol:)


This picture is one i took about 5 minutes ago, she is moving so not a good pic lol :hey:


Hope you like her!!!
Hes actually not fat (just big boned :lol: ) no seriously tho he has a g8 waistline as is walked nearly 2 mile everyday :crazy: and has a strict diet . Not that he's pleased with the diet bit.... but is a must with this breed I'm afraid.
Beautiful pics everyone you all have some stunnin dogs :wub:
Currently have 3 dogs: (Oldest to youngest) (Also biggest to smallest)
1. Ivy
Our only big gal, a spinone (no idea how to spell it) and a sweetie. (80 or so lbs)

2Eddie (The only boy)(yorkie)
Think of himself as a guard dog, a good boy (9 lbs)

3 Bitsy (The name was my idea)(also yorkie)
Miss bitsy is the troublemaker unaware of her size, fighting with Eddie for dominance.

Click to enlarge

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