Hit 2 Small Birds With My Car Today


New Member
May 6, 2005
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Well I was just pulling into my street today which is a nice cul-de-sac, lots of trees, flower, wildlife etc when all of a sudden 2 small brown birds flew out the bushes right into the front part of the bumper on my car, I was only going 15-20 mph at the most, but had no time to react or brake,

Looked in my mirror to see both birds lying motionless in the road, quickly got a box and a dust sheet from the garage and ran back down the street,
One of the birds was lying not moving against the kerb, it was still alive as it looked at me as I put it in the box, when i turned around to get the other one that was on the otherside of the road, it had vanished, found it lying 6 feet away under some bushes, it was moving but seemed to not be able to fly, anyway mangaged to get it also in the box, then as I went to cover the box it flew out and into the nearest small tree, just wasnt my day, anyway managed to find it again, and without struggle let me pick it off the branch.

Went home, phoned the nearest vet, who told me to bring them down,

Just before they were due to close I phoned to see how they had got on, and if any of them had pulled through.

Bad news was that one had died in the box, it was dead when I took it to them,

Good news is one seemed fine they said and was released 6 hours after taking it to them

But I keep getting a picture of the dead one looking at me as I put it in the box, poor wee blighter

I was hoping one would pull through as I was thinking about what if it was a pair and they had chicks, and how if both died the chicks would of too.

Anyway thought Id share this with you, still feel like crap

They were small brown birds about the size of your hand
Sorry that happened. that sux. Seems it's happened to most anyone that's been driving a vechicle or it will happen at some point. Don't dwell on it as it couldn't be helped. Just think if we went back to the horse and buggy days we'd still be running over critters at some point. Comes with large moving objects, I suppose.
Oh that's awful.
I know my mother has run over a bird by accident before. Was in the car with her one day, and you know how some birds will swoop down low in front of the car? Well this one wasn't quick enough. Was so awful.
Also remember one time when my husband (boyfriend at the time) were riding in his truck. All of a sudden a bird plowed right in to the passenger side window and broke its neck. Poor things :(
aww bless u, it happens tho :(
well done on getting them to the vet

i hit a bird a few years ago comming down the slip road of the motorway, i assume i killed it :( could have been a hell of a lot worse as i closed my eyes when i realised i was about to hit it
Oh, I'm sorry. A duck hit us once, it ran right into the side of the car. It walked away though. It's kind of hard to tell with birds because they usualy fly away right before you would hit them.
Any creature that runs out in front of me is asking to be run over i dont stop unless its a pet or a person.
A fox nearly made me crash my car last year as it was raining i swerved my car which sent me into a spin and ended up me facing on coming traffic how an accident never materialised i have no idea but since then any thing runs out in front its doomed.
The mere fact you feel bad just signals that it was unavoidable, yeah it feels crappy but at least you tried to help and the one that survived would probably not if you hadn't used some of your time to help the wee thing. So even though it's a bad situation, you acted in the best way possible and the one that lived has most likely learned a lesson that will save him from getting hit again by someone less caring than you. Thanks for being caring, it warms my heart that there are other people who care about the little critters.
Dont worry about it, these things happen.

and NottsFishy has the right idea, stop for people or pets only. Anything else isnt worth getting into a serious accident over (I'm talking foxes or rabbits which generally get hit on motorways)

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