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  1. R

    Help---got A Cracked Tank!

    No cause there wer people there petting him and he wasn't on a leash or anything. They say that for the last few years he shows up almost every day with the wolf and stays for awhile. They are very beautiful animals and they get a very bad rap.
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    Help---got A Cracked Tank!

    Just got back from Petsmart with a new tank, they went ahead and replaced it for me for free. While I was gone I went ahead and put the small filter, about 3 gallons of the original water and the rock in my 3 gallon critter keeper until I got back, worked out great. I'm doing a fish cycle with...
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    Help---got A Cracked Tank!

    I'm cycling one of the tanks I got from Petsmart, it's been going for about 3 weeks and after being gone this morning I came home and noticed that the tank has been leaking. I'm not sure on what to do but this is what I came up with. I was going to clean out my 3 gallon critter keeper, put the...
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    ?problem With Female Betta?

    I have a 5 gallon aquarium divided, no filter but I do have a heater in it--water stays about 78 degrees and it was just changed out about 3-4 days ago. My problem is, one of my female bettas was found floating lying on her side on top of water tonight, I touched her and she swammed away kind...
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    Small Betta Tanks

    I had my bettas in them for the warmer months of the year, the water stayed around 76 degrees so I didn't need a heater at the time. They worked great until I was able to get a better home for them and a heater for the Winter months. Ya they are quit thin but they hold up quit well.
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    Small Betta Tanks

    I realize that your not in the U.S. however, I might go to the grocery store or warehouse grocery store that might sell such things as cheese balls or other snacks in a large plastic container. Here are a few containers that I used last year for temporary betta homes, they each held about 2 1/2...
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    Can Someone Tell Me Where I Can Get Good Dividers?

    A few days ago I saw somewhere that a person got some of the craft sheets at walmart that have holes everywhere and bought some small suction cups about the size of a quarter and then bent the sheets at each end to the width of the tank and cut out 4 areas just big enough to put 2 sucktion cups...
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    Another Food Topic

    At petsmart they sell freeze dried tubiflex worms, brine shrimp, bloodworms, etc. is all this O.K. for the betta or anyother freshwater fish. I've heard that tubiflex worms are not good for fish due to where they get them, I've also heard that freeze dried bloodworms were safer to feed than...
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    Feeding Frozen Bloodworm : How Much?

    I used to feed mine about 5-6 every 3 days, I also feed mine betta gold and betta flakes inbetween. The blood worms will probably last forever or near it.
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    Stocking 1.5 Gallon Tank.

    I bought 3 1.5 gallon tanks from Petco last yr. that have small filters and lights with them for around 6.00 dollars each. I know that I could put a betta in each one but I was wondering if there are any shrimp or crabs, etc that could be put in them without cycling these tanks. I have had...
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    Anyone Here Use An Eclipse 3 System As A Betta Tank?

    I'm not really sure but if you check on line at Petsmart they have free shipping for orders over 50.00 and they have a 5 gallon aquascene aquarium setup for only 37.99. They also have a lifetime warrantee on their products TOPFIN, just a thought.
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    Advise On Bettas New Homes

    Just returned home with my other new tank, they didn't ask any questions and now I have another new betta tank for a 1.00. I have my first tank already setup with a betta in it and I'll be setting up the other tank tonight and putting the other betta thats in the 1.5 gallon in the new 5 setup...
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    Advise On Returning Tank.

    Ya, that would be good to do but I am kind of obcessed with having tanks + now my female bettas will have nice homes to hang their hats in. After working so hard on a good deal I want to enjoy the fruits of it for along time.
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    Advise On Returning Tank.

    :hooray: :hooray: It worked, took my old tank in a few hours ago and they gave me a brand new 5 gallon setup that rang out for aprox. 44.00. Santa came alittle early today, tomorrow I go and return my other tank which is identical but wisely not at the same PETSMART.
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    Advise On Bettas New Homes

    Just returned home from Petsmart a few minutes ago and to say the least Christmas came early this year. I took the tank into the store and I showed it to the sales person in fish who got a Manager, after a minute of telling her about what I was after she told the sales lady to go and get the...
  18. R

    Undergravel Filter Question

    I recently went to one of the fish stores in the area and in almost all their tanks they have undergravel filters installed. The owner told me that for tanks 30 gallon and under a undergravel filter was all you needed. While I was growning up I had a undergravel filter in my 30 gallon but back...
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    Wal*mart Fish

    Thanks for your intervention, I agree it got way out of hand and something had to be done. Great job.
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    Advise On Returning Tank.

    When I called and spoke to the lady at Topfin she said that no reciept was necessary to return it just bring in the tank.
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    Advise On Returning Tank.

    Ya, didn't know that there was such a thing as lifetime waranttees on any tank, now I know what to look for when I go yardsaling.
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    Advise On Bettas New Homes

    Here is a picture of my 5 gallon acrylic tank that I bought at a yard sale for 1.00 (tank in back), I have 2 of them which I bought for the same price. ****This is somewhat a repeat topic****. I have a female betta in each tank and 1 of them has no light which I've been trying to find for some...
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    I'm sorry if this is the wrong area to ask this question, I searched all over as much as possible and didn't know where to ask this. How do I down load a picture from my computer onto a topic, normally there is a place where you can hit browse and apply a picture, some topics I haven't seen...
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    Advise On Returning Tank.

    I have a 5 gallon topfin tank that Petsmart sells #605515 (Aquascene 5 Aquarium). I got my tank at a yard sale for 1.00 used and it doesn't have a light. I contacted Topfin by email and told them that I was interested in obtaining a light for my tank but they said they did not sell spare...
  27. R

    Fishless Cycling With Bio-spira

    What I've read is that bio-spira has live bacteria that will cycle your tank in 24 hrs. Here in Illinois where I bought it, it cost aprox. 16.00 and is frozen or in the frig, sorry don't remember which one. Last Summer I put one in my 10 gallon and the next day added my fish,
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    Fishless Cycling With Bio-spira

    I'm certainly no expert but I was told that the small packages of bio-spira is enough to cycle a 30 gallon tank. Others here may have more info on that, all I know is that it worked great when I used it within 2 days however it was only a 10 gallon tank. Best wishes to your cycling endivers.
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    I Have Given Up On My Fishless Cycle ... Enough Is Enough.

    I've used bio-spira before and it seems to work great within just a few days.
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    Favorit Fishy

    One of my favorite is the large sailfin mollie, especially the male in all his splender they are pretty cool--I used to have some that were quite large as a teenager. For my bottom feeder/favorite fish I'd have to go with the clown loach, I also am quite empressed with the betta also.
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    What Colour Is Your Betta?

    Ya, if it was up to me I'd have a ton of them but living in an apartment with limited space I only have 3 at this time. However last year I did have as much as 9 but they all died over the winter so this Summer I decided that I would only get a few that way I could make sure they were all doing...
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    Minimum Sized Tank For A Betta?

    I have 3 females which are all kind of small, I keep 1 in a 3 gallon critter keeper, 1 in a 5 gallon hex. tank and 1 in a 1 gallon tank which gets cleaned at least every other day minimum. All mine seem happy and yes I'll be putting my other female in at least something that's 2.5 to 3 gallon...
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    Are Yellow Bettas Common?

    I have a yellow or creamish color female that I bought from Petsmart for .99 cents a few months back. She was real small at the time I bought her, she is getting quite a bit bigger now. All the females at our Petsmart are .99 cents, the males range from 3.99 to 5.99. This is the only femal...
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    I personally go shopping at yard sales for my betta tanks. I live in Illinois and where I live there are tons of chances for me to find tanks from little to nothing. Have 2 5 gallon tanks and 1 3 gallon critter keeper that I picked up in the last year for 1.00 each. Have not paid much for...
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    What Colour Is Your Betta?

    I have 3 female bettas which I got from petsmart for .99 cents each. Mine is all creamish in color with no other pigmentation the other 2 which are my 3 yr old and my 6 yr old daughters are creamish with reddish tails.
  36. R

    Changing Betta's Water

    WOW! Thats alot of tanks to clean at one time--I thought having to clean 6 last year was alot. What are your one gallons like and how long does it take to clean them. Being myself I don't think I would have the patience plus you know us guys we are not normally much into cleaning.
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    Changing Betta's Water

    I have a 5 gallon and a 3-4 gallon critter keeper and I do 100% changes on each. First I take out my female out of the tank and put her in a small cup then I take a cup and scoop out the water into bucket until the tank has a few inches of water in it. Then I take out the artifical ornaments...
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    ?double Tailed Female At Petsmart

    No I agree with you, there are alot of good petstores and these are not real bad--I think the PETCO is alot worse---seems that all of the fish are always in quarintine and a few of the staff talk like they know it all but are about as stupid as a bag of rocks. Don't know if I'll buy the little...
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    ?double Tailed Female At Petsmart

    I Live in O'FALLON ILLINOIS, they have a PETSMART and a PETCO which both sell VT and some fancy ones, PETCO's VT'S are usually kept pretty descent even though they are in a horrible small container--however there fancy ones are on the counter and everytime I go in there are at least 2 dead...
  40. R

    New Home For My New Betta's

    Ya, they are way to small and if you go to a dollar store or a Walmart you can pick up a cheap container that would work until you were able to find a large or bigger tank for your betta. I picked up one of those containers that you showed at a yard sale for .25 last SUMMER, I only use it to...