I have a 5 gallon topfin tank that Petsmart sells #605515 (Aquascene 5 Aquarium). I got my tank at a yard sale for 1.00 used and it doesn't have a light. I contacted Topfin by email and told them that I was interested in obtaining a light for my tank but they said they did not sell spare parts, but they did say that their tanks had a lifetime warrantee and to take it to the nearest Petsmart and return it for a new one. 1st question does this mean that I'll get a new set-up, figure they can't open a box and just give me the tank, 2nd I believe this would be O.K. to do even if I didn't buy the tank since topfin has a lifetime warrantee on their items, what do you all think. I called the Petsmart around here and spoke to the Manager and mentioned to him that I was interested in getting just a light and that I didn't have the light for the tank and he said bring it in and they'd replace it no matter how old the tank. Now if this really goes through I will get a 39.00 dollar tank setup for almost nothing, just for returning an old tank. If this does go through I do have another identical tank that I also picked up for 1.00 that I'll do the same with. What a gift for my bettas!!