Help---got A Cracked Tank!


Fish Fanatic
May 31, 2006
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I'm cycling one of the tanks I got from Petsmart, it's been going for about 3 weeks and after being gone this morning I came home and noticed that the tank has been leaking. I'm not sure on what to do but this is what I came up with. I was going to clean out my 3 gallon critter keeper, put the rock from my 5 gallon tank in it and also the filter and let the filter keep going until I got back from Petsmart with the other tank. I don't know what happened have always been careful with the tank, it's acrylic/plastic so I'm sure it may just be a lemon, called the fish store and they said bring it in and they'd replace the tank with a new setup. So looks like I'll be able to keep the light, filter and all except for the tank and get a whole brand new setup. It'll be nice to have an extra light and filter around for emergency's or when I find another tank at a yard sale.
IF this is a good idea I'd appreciate your help, don't know anyother way to keep everything in a cycling mode.
Put the filter in another tank if there no desease in it, if no fish in it just add some flakes to keep the bacteria going.
Just got back from Petsmart with a new tank, they went ahead and replaced it for me for free. While I was gone I went ahead and put the small filter, about 3 gallons of the original water and the rock in my 3 gallon critter keeper until I got back, worked out great. I'm doing a fish cycle with 2 dwarf platy's which have been doing great, I was afraid due to a leaky tank that everything would have gone down drain, but everything worked for the best. While I was at the petstore (I know this is not fish related) a gentleman had a 160 pound full blooded Alaskan Wolf with him. He said his wolf was 14 yrs. old, he had rescued him from some hunters in Alaska, what a beautiful animal, he said the wolf has always been kind of passive and never has hurt anyone or any animal, I want one.
:lol: Glad everything turned out good in the end.
Never seen a wolf wasn't you abit nervous.
:lol: Glad everything turned out good in the end.
Never seen a wolf wasn't you abit nervous.
No cause there wer people there petting him and he wasn't on a leash or anything. They say that for the last few years he shows up almost every day with the wolf and stays for awhile. They are very beautiful animals and they get a very bad rap.
:lol: Glad everything turned out good in the end.
Never seen a wolf wasn't you abit nervous.
No cause there wer people there petting him and he wasn't on a leash or anything. They say that for the last few years he shows up almost every day with the wolf and stays for awhile. They are very beautiful animals and they get a very bad rap.

That's because they're non domesticated wild animals that have a tendancy to kill people and other animals <_<
Just for your info wolves have killed an extremely small amount of people. Only a couple hundred people, over a course of 400 years.

Check it out at

Interesting Fact - Minnesota (the state that i live in) has the largest population of wolves in America, yet every year, no one dies from a wolf attack, yet 1-2 people die of lightining strike. So therfore you have a higher chance of dieing from lightning strike than from a wolf attack!

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