Advise On Returning Tank.


Fish Fanatic
May 31, 2006
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I have a 5 gallon topfin tank that Petsmart sells #605515 (Aquascene 5 Aquarium). I got my tank at a yard sale for 1.00 used and it doesn't have a light. I contacted Topfin by email and told them that I was interested in obtaining a light for my tank but they said they did not sell spare parts, but they did say that their tanks had a lifetime warrantee and to take it to the nearest Petsmart and return it for a new one. 1st question does this mean that I'll get a new set-up, figure they can't open a box and just give me the tank, 2nd I believe this would be O.K. to do even if I didn't buy the tank since topfin has a lifetime warrantee on their items, what do you all think. I called the Petsmart around here and spoke to the Manager and mentioned to him that I was interested in getting just a light and that I didn't have the light for the tank and he said bring it in and they'd replace it no matter how old the tank. Now if this really goes through I will get a 39.00 dollar tank setup for almost nothing, just for returning an old tank. If this does go through I do have another identical tank that I also picked up for 1.00 that I'll do the same with. What a gift for my bettas!!
Haha that's a very good deal! You lucked out. :D
Ya, didn't know that there was such a thing as lifetime waranttees on any tank, now I know what to look for when I go yardsaling.
Be prepared to show the papers though (warranty papers, and possibly the receipt), just in case. :dunno:

EDIT: What kind of light do those topfin 5g tanks have? They might have it in stores, just make sure the wattage matches up.
When I called and spoke to the lady at Topfin she said that no reciept was necessary to return it just bring in the tank.
That sure beats my 15 gallon long that I paid CAN$6 for, and my 24 gallon that I paid $4 for!
I love my local "almost-free store"! (thrift shop) :)
:hooray: :hooray: It worked, took my old tank in a few hours ago and they gave me a brand new 5 gallon setup that rang out for aprox. 44.00. Santa came alittle early today, tomorrow I go and return my other tank which is identical but wisely not at the same PETSMART.
N1 thats a nice little earner wack em on ebay lol
Ya, that would be good to do but I am kind of obcessed with having tanks + now my female bettas will have nice homes to hang their hats in. After working so hard on a good deal I want to enjoy the fruits of it for along time.

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