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  1. R

    Can I Please Get Some Suggestions

    i just bought a golden bristlenose pleco and hes beautiful and wont get too big
  2. R


    your tank looks great makes want to set up my spare 5g hmmmmmm tempting
  3. R

    Tank Moving

    hey all im in the painful process of moving i have a 35g tank thats been up and running for about a year now and is home too a pair of key hole cichlids 6 tiger barbs 4 serpae tetras and 4 congo tetras what is the best way to move fish i have a big plastic container would it be ok to half fill...
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    Blink 182

    i dont have a fav much prefer the older stuff tho rock show apple shampoo and first date are prob my top 3
  5. R

    What Are You Listening To?

    Razorlight - America :good:
  6. R

    Oh Yes At Tank Is Cycled!

    congratulations! well done for sticking with it :good:
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    Anyone Else Keeping Keyholes?

    Hey paul maidenhead aquatics in bristol usually have them i bought a pair from there about 4 months ago there about 2 and a half inches long now cool fish :good:
  8. R

    Gone Fishing.

    nice carp willtang im off fishing on saturday hopefuly have a few pics to post myself cfc that was some top notch advice there nice one ive never fished for perch although i have caught a few i like to fish for tench my personal best tench is 8lb 4oz also of to thailand in november so will be...
  9. R

    Which Fish

    Thanks for the advice fella it was really helpful would bummble bee gobies be ok in fresh water and how many could i keep in a 7g am i right in thinking that some puffers are brackish or am i just making this up could i keep anything else with gobies frogs or shrimp or something
  10. R

    Which Fish

    Hey all i have an empty 7g can anyone help me out on which brackish fish i can keep in there im new to brackish was thinking some sort of dwarf puffer i also have a 35g freshwater tropical tank which has been running about 8 months now so i am not completely new to keeping fish oh yeah the 7g is...
  11. R

    Wild Caught Kribs

    Hi there rixy keyhole cichlids are really peaceful i have a pair myself but i dont think that they would mix well at all with kribensis. how is your rtbs getting along with your new kribs I dont think rams would be a good idea either as i think dont quote me on this but you should only keep one...
  12. R


    why dont you get a pair of rams or a big school of tiger barbs there always lively
  13. R

    Hey All

    Hello everyone im not a newbie ive just not posted in a while so just stopping in to say hi :good:
  14. R

    Bloody Weather

    i was thinking about that but would that drop the temp to quickly its 35g by the way not sure how long it would take to drop the tank is usally kept at 79c sorry to hear that fishkiller_nomore i should be ok with just fish then
  15. R

    Bloody Weather

    Hey has anyone else had the problem with the weather raising the temp in there tanks mine is currently at 29c is this ok for tropicals all the fish seem fine im running an airstone is there anyting else i can do
  16. R

    Liverpool Win The Fa Cup

    Could you have asked for a better cup final well yeah if bristol city were in it but anyway well done liverpool who needs rooney when gerrard is playing like that :good:
  17. R


    Orange fins and a blue stripe sounds like columbian tetras google it and check but thats what it sounds like if so i would say you are overstocked as they are a fairly big tetramine are about 2" and would just keep the platys and corys but beware of the platys being breeding machines
  18. R

    You Know You're A Fish Keeper When...

    When your suppposed to be arranging a meeting for tommorow morning but your on here instead :good:
  19. R


    Good thinking i use my aqua 40 to bring on all my platy fry might get a few corries for mine when the fry are out
  20. R


    Cool good luck with the tank and the fry :good:
  21. R

    This Would Make A Great Tank .....

    cool deffo wouldnt need an airstone
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    Bbc1 8pm Tonight (sunday)

    sorry guys im with qays couldnt miss top gear
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    Gonna Make A Trip To Lfs Tommorow

    well done on passing the test mate got mine on june 5th i know what you mean about the bitching ah well never mind good luck with the driving
  24. R

    Community Tank

    Hi there kathryn welcome to tff first is your tank fully cycled. If so the cardinals and the guppies should be fine with the guppies if your planning on getting male and females try and get 1 male to 2 females. To help cut down stress on the females oh and be ready for fry as for clown loach i...
  25. R


    Yep checked it with my own fair hands i still wouldent add any more fish than the corries gourami and neons otherwise it will look way to busy in there
  26. R

    Hiya Im New

    you need to get the biggest tank you can and cycle it first either fishless or cycle with hardy fish such as danios fishless cycling is probably easier
  27. R


    Tetra man just measured my aqua 40 surface area and its actually 11 and a 1/4 inches in width and the same back to front cheak yours again
  28. R

    Hiya Im New

    Hi there welcome to tff i warn you it wont stop at one tank :good:
  29. R


    Gold nobody is being forced to ignore anyones post if the person posting annoys you or mark or whoever just dont read it simple nobody is forcing you
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    Very well said gold tetraman im sorry if it seems like everyone is ganging up on you but that isnt the case they are trying to help you and your fish I have an aqua 40 myself but only use it to bring on a few fry that survive in my 35g. Think i have about 6 tiny platies in there at the moment...
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    Fish For 75g

    black ghost knifefish wins hands down those things are awesome
  32. R

    Help Fish Keep Dying

    how long as your tank been running is it fully cycled i would reccomend more frequent water changes maybe 25% every 2 weeks and get yourself an ammonia nitrate and nitrite test kit oh and test ph
  33. R


    tetras are to active for a 6g do you have anywhere else you can keep your cories as they may get to big for a 6g and use it for a dwarf puffer or something
  34. R

    My Tank Meet My Fish

    thanks leslie i couldent remember what they were called ill try and post some pics of my new serpaes soon :good:
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    Tropiquarium Bristol

    bunjiweb do you just do catfish or just specialize in them
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    My Tank Meet My Fish

    hey basia they are blood fin tetras i think. Ive just got 4 serpae tetras today too wohooo there cool
  37. R

    Tropiquarium Bristol

    Hey all went to tropiquarium in hengrove tody after work not a very big selection but all the fish looked healthy which is the most important thing the staff were happy to help but i didnt get asked the size of my tank or how long its been running which is always nice as you know they just dont...
  38. R

    My Tank Meet My Fish

    thanks for the comments guys is there anything that you thionk that i should change donna im not sure about the pleco think its a common pleco do your platys breed like mad i have a fry tank aswell i will add a pic of it now [/IMG]//[/img]
  39. R

    Best Community Loach

    dude really i didnt think loach were aggressive