Can I Please Get Some Suggestions


Fish Fanatic
Nov 28, 2006
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Ok, i feel really stupid posting again about stock because i was set on cichlids and posted everywhere asking questions about them and my parents did their own research and said no due to the fact there a little more challenging and would require a bigger tank soon.
I have a 30 gallon almost done cycling and i want a semi aggressive community.

Heres what i know i want:

tiger barbs( i know i need to get 6 to keep the aggression down)
Red Tail Shark( i know i can only have on)
Pleco( suggestions on what kind please?)

I want some cool looking fish and wanted to know what else would go well with these.

All thoughts are welcome.

Thank you.
I haven't seen your previous posts (I try to get some work done during the day sometimes :lol: ) - and I know nothing about red tailed sharks or plecos - but I keep assorted danios with my tiger barbs (I have pearl danios, normal and golden zebra danios and Danio kyathit). They all shoal together and are not at all worried by the antics of the tiger barbs.

Not exactly aggressive but very certainly active :good:
I would personally go with a Bristlenose or Clown Plec or both as they don`t get too big, approx 3".
Sorry I also know nothing about the Red Tail Shark.
I also have a similar setup to what you want. Check out my profile. Sadly I lost all six of my Tigers through aggresion and replaced them with the Rosy Barbs, just as hardy and active.
How big is your tank?

Cause i would really like at least one cichlid if it will work out well.
Can I assume you asked me that question.

Its 30g, I had a few compatability problems to start with but the Lfs were kind enough to swap a few fish around, got there in the end.
i think i will try out one ram and see how it goes

anyone else have some suggestions for some cool looking fish?
blue rams are nice but i have heard you can only keep one of those per tank. iv had a few red tailed sharks n have found them realy hard 2 keep but then again have had no problems with fish that are aperantly hard 2 keep n 4 sum reason have neva been able 2 keep goldfish.
what about a pictus catfish or a butterfly fish? these are both interesting and different fish not verry agressive but both will eat smaller fish. pictus is a bottem dweller n butterfly is a surface fish. i found chichlids easier then most fost but like i said i found the harder the fish 2 look after the easier for me.
i just bought a golden bristlenose pleco and hes beautiful and wont get too big
I've found a m/f pair of kribensis to be visually stunning, and very interesting to watch as well. Just add water to breed! :hey: If you can look after these succesfully, then a cichlid tank is a natural progression.

I also like congo tetras, a shoal of which look amazing. The pictures on the 'web do not do them justice, try and see them in the flesh, to get an idea.

HTH :)
would a pair of kribensis work with the other fish i want?

would they work better than a blue ram?
a Pair of Kribs would work in a 30 gallon however you would not really be able to add other fish that safely due to the aggressive stature of Kribs during breeding some dither fish such as cories, black widow's etc would be ok but not alot else in a 30 gal a bit bigger would allow for more fish (of course :p )
Kribs are pretty peaceful when they are not spawning, but do get bossy when the eggs or fry are around, and then they only chase the other fish away.

They should do fine with the other tank members, although It comes down to the individual fishes personality. I've heard of female kribs killing the male, and vice versa, but mine get on fine (lots of fry! :blush: )

One of my ember tetras (1cm long) takes on the whole tank when it's feeding time!
Red tail sharks are GREAT and beautiful fish. They are peaceful as little guys but watch him when he gets bigger, a large RTS can potentially kill everything else on your list including your tiger barbs if you get one that ends up being bad tempered. My RTS bulies my cichlids around so just dont be suprised if he starts whacking your other fish when he get big.
Yea i have heard that before and i heard it helps with a semi-aggressive tank to put in the RTS last and make sure he is as young as possible. That way as he grows he wont bully anyone.

Any ideas for other semi agressive fish?
On the pleco front, get yourself either a bristlenose or a bulldog pleco. If you are looking for an algae eater, or a fish you might see once in a while, avoid clown plecos.

I think a shoal of tiger Barbs, and RTS and a pleco or two would make a nice tank right there. Maybe get some green or albio tiger barbs too and make it a larger than minimum school.

Someone mentioned pictus cats. I'd shy away from them - they really want a 48" tank. Lovely fish, though.

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