Community Tank


New Member
May 7, 2006
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Edinburgh, Scotland
I am a beginner to fishkeeping, -_- and would like to know some good, hardy, easy to look after fish in my 121 litre community tank.
Are these fish suitable...

Cardinal Tetras (and how many, I was thinking about 10??)
Guppies (I've heard the males show off so much they split their fins)
Clown Loaches (and how big do they grow??)
Any other good community fish??
Thanks a lot!!
Hi there kathryn welcome to tff first is your tank fully cycled. If so the cardinals and the guppies should be fine with the guppies if your planning on getting male and females try and get 1 male to 2 females. To help cut down stress on the females oh and be ready for fry as for clown loach i think they will grow to big for a 120 l as they can reach around 12" pretty big as for other community fish. You could maybe get some corydoras albinos are cool or maybe a small pleco maybe a bristlenose or a pair of peaceful cichlids keyholes or rams are good. platys are pretty hardy but breed like mad I have four columbian tetras which are fairly hardy thery look good in a planted aquarium good luck with your tank hope all goes well and that ive helped any more questions be more than happy to help if i can :good:

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