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  1. N

    Darn Fisheses

    If it was his 1st go.... he probably was eating the eggs that were not fertile. It takes some a few tries until they get the knack. Don't write him off as an egg eater... he was most likely just doing his job. they will eat infertile & fungused eggs to make sure the other kiddos are ok. I wish...
  2. N

    Males Being Able To See Each Other

    If they are active and obnoxious.... that is a good thing. They should be full of it. They do get bored or sometimes just need a rest... so if you only have the 2...every few days alternate between them seeing each other.... and time with the mirror. Nurture their little male egos.... they...
  3. N

    How Long Before The Female Can Be Used For Spawning Again?

    Exactly what Amerce said... only I would add that water quality is a very important thing... and how well she is fed. If she was not damaged (or only very minor injury)... 2 weeks. Alternating foods to provide max nutrition... and feeding smaller amounts more often. Keeping the water excellent...
  4. N

    I Need Some Urgent Help.

    If you can get your hands on live adult brine shrimp.... go for it. It seems to be something they can't resist. LFS that have saltwater fish may be the 1st places to call. You just need a few. In a pinch... try bbs. Fresh hatched they have a bit more nutrients to them... but it is like having to...
  5. N

    My Hms Always Bite Their Fins

    Hey Chrissi Actually.... it sounds like it may be a case of fin rot. Some seem to be very irritated by it and try to remove it themselves. The problem is... that creates fresh entry points for even more diseases to invade. When you do a water change... how much are you changing out? Are you...
  6. N

    Albino On Aquabid

    I am just curious where you are even getting 1 in 10,000. In actuality there is no real idea how often an albino shows up. Some sources say 1 in 10,000 make it to spawning.... some say 1 in 10,000 spawns produce an albino... Definately not 1 in 10,000 bettas is albino. It is all ambiguous...
  7. N

    Albino On Aquabid

    No.... I think there is more to the genetics than that.... mainly because if it was that easy to suddenly get a spawn of which 25% were albinos... I would think they would be seen more often. Here..... this is from Victoria Parnell from her site...
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    Other thing to do would be to try and track down a local club. From there you can see if any members have juvies for sale or some others.
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    Aquabid. Not a really big demand for Deltas... but there are superdeltas.
  10. N

    Help With Fem. Bettas

    Get a hospital tank and heal the female. Bettas are aggressive territorial fish.... and to make matters even more interesting... they have personality. The whole female community tank.... it is a balance. There is a packing order. Always will be. There will always be a battle for the top...
  11. N

    Thing's I Need To Know?

    Honestly..... I would avoid underground filters. Unless you have it in a bigger tank with powerheads to push the junk out.... all it is going to do is create a bed of crap under the substrate. Which is fine if you don't mind ph swings, nitrate spikes, and ammonia pockets. 6G for 1 betta.... if...
  12. N

    Albino On Aquabid

    Albino bettas are rare... are fertile..... but not usually the strongest health wise. You would need to get a spawn sibling... and even then you probably would only get a few with slight colorless patches. $250 is not unheard of for a betta. The only reason this one is priced at that amount is...
  13. N

    Breeding Beta's

    First thing.... get cultures for the fry. Second.... get the best quality bettas you can. Then read as much as possible. There are a ton of sites with good info on spawning and caring for fry. Personally.... I like also has good info. Just make sure you...
  14. N

    Genetics Question.

    Long is dominant over short. Check the branching of the hmpk. You want *at least* 4 rays if you are thinking of crossing it to a longfin. 3 and less do not cross it to a longfin unless you want to take a step back and work through a couple of generations. Very possible you would find yourself...
  15. N

    Betta Care

    If the silver was shimmery under a light... velvet. If it was just happening on fish with dark heads... possible it was just from flaring and a coincidence. Lethargic and sudden die off... could be a couple of things. Hexamita is the first thing that comes to mind (the sudden mystery...
  16. N

    What Does It Mean When Bettas Turn Red?

    Some get pale when they are stressed, scared or sick. It is possible the betta may have a red wash (layer of pigment under the irid layer. Blue, steel, green are irids). Once he colors back up again... if you have a kind of bright light behind him... you can see through his fins and that will...
  17. N

    Help, Fin Biter!

    If you haven't actually witnessed him biting his tail... with ammonia that high it sounds like his fins are getting burned off. wonder he is stressed! Grab something from an established tank to seed the new tank with good bacteria and speed up that cycling process. Ammonia burns...
  18. N


    Giants are not for everybody. Ruler doesn't matter if they are not raised in the right conditions to continue their growth once they are with their new owner. Giants continue to grow for a couple more months.... he is still a baby yet. To get to max size... you have to do the max work. Means...
  19. N

    Swollen Betta

    LFS person needs to be taught the difference between a chichlid and a betta.... and a swift kick to the head. Make sure you ream them a new one when you go back. They sold you something useless.... except as a snack for the betta..... IF she is even eating. Check for pineconing of the scales...
  20. N

    Interesting Idea, Hatchery And Autofeeder

    Salt water is heavier than fresh. More dense..... but I totally know what you mean. :P
  21. N

    Help, Fin Biter!

    Ditto what flautist said.... card him and put him some place quiet.... give him a hiding place if he does not already have one. Throw IAL in with him too. Keep the water really clean and depending how he trimmed himself... it may have a chance of healing back nice. I got several imports that...
  22. N

    Disaster In The 10 Gallon Divided Tank

    Gilarion looks like the extended greens of Victoria Parnell ... the fabulous extended dorsal... the great branching and straight edges. Did you ever spawn him?
  23. N


    Longfin giant dt...... price is pretty steep . Only thing they are banking on to get that price is that it is a giant. :drool: I love longfin giants. Heck of a time trying to find a female of equal caliber. Growing them out is a heck of a chore.... If I was looking at it for adding to...
  24. N

    New Betta Need Some Info.

    Yep.... they can jump. Usually the shorter the fins the more air time they can achieve. They jump for a couple of reasons... (trying to get away from their environment either because of something toxic, something threatening.... or if some cutie is near that they want to visit.) Catxx is...
  25. N

    Disaster In The 10 Gallon Divided Tank

    So sorry Synirr.... Most things like that are toxic to bettas. Thanks for posting it to make others aware.
  26. N

    You Silly Betta People..

    So you took in a Bala shark and now in turn you have to ditch the veiltails. Tell me again.... how are you any better? Last I checked Balas need to be in pairs of 3 or more... get quite huge.... and live a heck of a lot longer than bettas. 1 fish in.... 2 to 3 fish out.... You can't commit...
  27. N

    You Silly Betta People..

    You are right..... how would I know anything about bettas or their care. I care for just under 100 adults and 6 spawns of various ages everyday. I know how taxing 3 vts can be. The fact is... I care for my lone vt as well as I care for my $50 royal blue hm female. When I accepted the...
  28. N

    You Silly Betta People..

    The fact that you said the bettas' age..... and how if you are making a decision which ones to give up... you pick the vts. If you really cared.... you would give the ones who had the best chances of making a big adjustment. Instead.... you opted for giving up the oldest ones. They have maybe a...
  29. N

    You Silly Betta People..

    If you have too many fish to care for..... why not give up the deltas who are younger? May as well let someone take them who is willing to care for them till they pass on. If 24 fish is too many.... and only 7 are bettas.... you really shouldn't spawn them. Saying you are waiting till summer...
  30. N

    You Silly Betta People..

    Look it up..... average lifespan is 2-4 years. If you think over 4 is the norm... please... you may want to tell the people who have been into bettas for the last few decades how they can maintain a 4+ lifespan consistantly. Why post something like this? Why even say anything? How you care for...
  31. N

    Cut On Betta

    So you are saying they should medicate healthy fish because it is convenient? *groan* :blink: :X :huh:
  32. N

    You Silly Betta People..

    So..... 3 VT's are too much to handle... so you are gonna get rid of them...and in time breed your deltas and make a few hundred more bettas? 2-3 years is not *kinda* old.... it IS old for a betta. 3 is ancient.
  33. N


    cough Icankillhornwort cough Tried it in jars.... fair amount of light.... all died. LOLOLOLOL Sagitaria is easy. Sword plants too. Then there is that water celery.... but by far the java moss & java fern are the easiest.
  34. N

    My Beta Has Stopped Eating

    Check for pine coning..... otherwise it sounds like Hexamita. I had the same issue before.... the random non eater that in time progresses to hide and fade away..... or the spontaneous death (alive at 1 feeding... 12 hours later they are dead). Hexamita is naturally occuring in our water...
  35. N

    Snails, Microworms, Fry Tank

    MTS are noctournal and the babies hide in the gravel by the hundreds. Bonus to MTS is they are always moving about in the substrate.... good for the roots in planted tanks. Downfall... lay eggs underwater and population is hard to control. The brown snails.... if they are more turban shaped (or...
  36. N

    Babies Are Gone...

    I raise halfmoons. I have 5 spawns at different stages right now and a couple pairs about to be released. If you don't find anyone else you are comfortable sending them to.... I will take them. No need for the cultures... I have all those and several others. (bbs, ve, mw, walter worms...
  37. N

    Just Got A Quality Female Betta From Lfs!

    LOLOL.... this is too funny. As long as you are happy with the fish... it is a good score. Because it was in with other females.... does not guarantee it is a female. I have a multi marble hm plakat male in with 4 females. Going on week 3.... not a dang thing happening. (This is in no way...
  38. N

    Betta Water Additives?

    Almond leaf or my own almond leaf tea. I do not have a water softener... so I do add salt. I am waiting for the vita chem to come in.
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    New Betta Stressed

    The water was blue because they medicate them... but regardless.... you always want to quarantine a new fish. Give him some quiet time to settle in and figure it all out. Keep an eye on him and make sure he is eating. That is a major indication of trouble... when they stop eating or lose...
  40. N

    Oscars --- Compatility

    well.... what if the keyword was *if* or *Oscars*?? *RUN!!* :lol: Get more space lady.... I need somewhere to drop off my culls.