You Silly Betta People..

Light critisim? Your calling that light?

And he never answered my question.
Saying that I don't have the time to give the rightful attention to something that I care for says what about me?
This perticular fourm USE to be filled with nice, kind people who actually had a life and the decencey to understand that you can't always keep everything you once could!
I hear ya ethos now there are more young smart a** kids who are either spoiled or were brought up wrong by the parents with no disipline. There are probably more rude kids than nice kids and adults.
You are right..... how would I know anything about bettas or their care. I care for just under 100 adults and 6 spawns of various ages everyday. I know how taxing 3 vts can be.

The fact is... I care for my lone vt as well as I care for my $50 royal blue hm female. When I accepted the responsibility of taking care of them.... it was not based on their finnage, age, or pricetag.

You basically just stated your fish's life value is directly related to how much you paid for them (and what you are hoping to get out of them).

3 vts are too much for you to care for by your own admission..... and you want to spawn more bettas.

You need to stop and actually listen to the crud you are typing. You are trying to rationalize giving away a few ancient bettas because you are too lazy.

If you had said *I have a huge spawn and need to rehome 3 dozen juvies to make room* that would make sense.... But 3.... you are not fooling anyone.

BTW Durbkat..... wasn't it you who just posted how you are going to medicate a whole 20g tank because 1 fish is sick? FYI..... more often than not fish meds kill fish (mainly because they are not used properly... or over used). Try avoiding disease instead of back tracking and having to medicate. Try hospitalizing the sick fish and doing it right rather than taking the easy way out and possibly harming them all.
No one can be influenced by another (or others) unless they choose to be. This group did not make you buy anything you didn't wish to buy. The ultimate choice and responsibility for that choice is YOURS. I hope you can recognize that in the future and hold back a bit if you feel you're being influenced before answering the impulse to buy something you might not want to take care of. It's all part of growing up to resist impulses and influences. Sometimes we all miss the mark but it's a good goal to shoot for.
Would you just shut up, would you rather ethos keep them and since he can't give them the care they need and let them set in there own waste and only get there tank water changed maybe once a month or would you rather them get sent to someone that has more time on there hands and can clean there tank every week? :rolleyes:
I hear ya ethos now there are more young smart a** kids who are either spoiled or were brought up wrong by the parents with no disipline. There are probably more rude kids than nice kids and adults.

i was not trying to bully him, he is not makeing a whole lot of sense, god forbid somebody points it out.
You basically just stated your fish's life value is directly related to how much you paid for them (and what you are hoping to get out of them).
Now tell me, if that were true, why would I have taken the bala a few days ago? Are you farmiller with that story?
My neighbor was going to flush the bala shark she had, but offered it to me first.
Now I have to deal with finding it a home, I have to feed it, I have to do waterchanges.
If I only cared about its price, why would I have taken it in? Why would I spend my money to buy it proper food?

Its like not being invited to a party when you were a kid - usually it was because their parents had a set limit of how many kids could go, so the party kid had to chose 5 out of 10 of his friends.
5 of them made the cut, the other 5 didn't,
Does that mean HE couldn't have handled having all 10?
See, time is like my parent. It has a limit, and my limit requires me to make a desicion.
My desision has been made, and the 4 Deltas made the cut, the 3 VTs didn't.
No point in losing your tempers, the thread will only get closed.
So you took in a Bala shark and now in turn you have to ditch the veiltails.

Tell me again.... how are you any better? Last I checked Balas need to be in pairs of 3 or more... get quite huge.... and live a heck of a lot longer than bettas.

1 fish in.... 2 to 3 fish out....

You can't commit to the care of a betta.... how are you going to convince anyone that bala has a chance? At least large balas have a chance as there is a demand for them.

Bettas are not as lucky. You just are proving it.
Just because you can't pick it up, I'm trying to find the Bala a home.
Really, this is becoming reduiculas!!
The bettas are going because I don't have the time tyo give them the proper attention.
If you think I should keep them just because, fine. But I'm not going to.
Call me lazy, witless, twity, whatever. That accomplishes nothing. Nothing whatsoever.
If your not even reading what I'm posting, why am I bothering posting?
Ethos - I think you are doing the right thing. I have been there before where with my other responsitilities i had no time to take care of my fish other than a quick water change and tossing in pellets. I understand how much attention they like, and know how they bond to their owners and get excited. Its hard to look at your schedule and say bye to a fish you care about, but it shows that you do care because you are looking for something better for them.
I agree with that.
I'll be up in St Paul on Sunday and Monday, if you give me their bowl or tank or whatever, I'm willing to try and take one home to IL. I can give you my cell # if you want it. I'll be in Richfield.

I just sent you a couple emails about adopting one. PM me if you didn't get it and want me to take one home. I'll be offline from early Sunday until Tues AM so won't be able to see any posts or get emails. I'll be up there only those 2 days. Otherwise it's quite a distance. I promise i'll do a good job taking care of it for you. I'm retired right now and have spare time and energy. I can only take one unfortunately but it's a start.
Thank you tttnjfttt and Wilder, Thats what I was trying to get across.
It dissapoints me that Never2ManyBettas has this impression of me, but then again, I shouldn't care tooo much.
You're welcome, Ethos. Don't worry, you're definately not dropping off the old arthritic dog at the humane society. You are re-homing the dog whose owners have no time for it and have decided to not let it keep suffring emotionally.
Would you just shut up, would you rather ethos keep them and since he can't give them the care they need and let them set in there own waste and only get there tank water changed maybe once a month or would you rather them get sent to someone that has more time on there hands and can clean there tank every week? :rolleyes:
You people that are bashing ethos need to do this. :rolleyes:

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