I Need Some Urgent Help.


Fish Crazy
Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score
Monterrey, Mexico
It seems to be that i am cursed. I have never kept a betta alive for more than a month, and i have many other fish that are living happily! The last one died of some wierd symptom, but the point is, before he got sick he NEVER ate, not a single peck. THe last one before that one also died of apperently, famine, :( as he just never ate. This one, apperently also doesn't want to eat, and it is really frustrating as my sister has one and hers is eating more than fine! I have fed it the normal betta granulets, freeze dried bloodworms, flake food... he just wont eat. I have had him for about a week and a half know, still no eating. He is in a 5 gallon bowl with no filter, change the water every 5 days. He seems to be fine, circling around his bowl happily, and he even built himself a bubble nest... But he wont eat. Can i get him to eat? mabye some REAL meat or something?

THANKS in advice,
i found that with my betta but if i dropped the food right infront of his nose then he ets it, i think my guys just a little lazy
One-two weeks after purchase is still within the acclimation period, and some shy bettas will not eat when first getting used to a new home, especially one that is a bit overwhelming after living in a tiny cup. He may just be too high strung to eat, but getting him eating as soon as possible is ideal, so...
Flakes and freeze-drieds foods don't tend to be favorites of most bettas, as they are dry, rough, and not very palatable. I would suggest trying frozen or live blood worms, brine shrimp, etc. instead, as they have a strong odor and taste that bettas love. Most bettas won't turn them down, though it isn't completely unheard of.
However, does the boy ignore the food, or eat it/spit it out? Sometimes bettas who are sick or constipated will chew the food and spit it back out instead of swallowing. In this case, the remedy could be a mashed pea, some anti-parasitics, etc. If you've been getting the fish from the same store, and having the same problem, it is possible their bettas have something that is causing them to lose apetite.
I have found that actually getting the betta excited by showing him a mirror, then after a couple of minutes take it away from him. Remove the lid from the tank and they will usually come rushing over as they are still excited from the mirror. Just drop one flake in the tank and usually mine eat it, if he does eat it leave him another day and do it again. I have only had one like this the others have been fine. It could be that the bettas are not very healthy if you get from the same shop (agreeing with RW :nod: ). :good:
Have you tried the same food they were feeding him at the store where you purchased him? It's been the only way I could get my two new boys to eat, and even then one went two weeks nibbling on cat food before he'd eat regular betta food. (I feed my snails cat food, and the betta kept helping himself to it - not something I recommend. :) )
Mine are fussy eaters. Have you tried the tetrabetta flakes? they have little dried bits of shrimp and krill. Or just dried shrimp and krill... I would assume you could buy those on their own. Also try the frozen stuff, its meatier and mine go crazy for it... although neither would eat it at first, so yours might be taking some time to settle. I would just try everything, but if he is not interested, scoop it out and try something else so its not making the water dirty. :blink:
Assuming that the store has gotten imports or something...I would suggest bloodworms, preferrably Hikari brand. That's what I feed mine...and the brine shrimp are also a good suggestion. I favor Hikari for those as well. Do NOT just drop the cube in there, though. take a shallow dish or coffee cup and put a little tank water in it. Then take the cube, defrost it, and with an eye dropper or baby medicine dropper, suck up the thawed food and drop in by small amounts. The food will drift to the bottom. It will simulate movement, and that might help to peak his interest. Some bettas have been fed live food their whole lives. Chances are he's just getting used to his environment as stated above, or yes he can also be sick. Did your sister also get her betta from the same store? Good luck!
oooops one more thing...I recommend trying a mirror. He may be a little fooled into thinking there is competition and that might help as well.
If you can get your hands on live adult brine shrimp.... go for it. It seems to be something they can't resist. LFS that have saltwater fish may be the 1st places to call. You just need a few. In a pinch... try bbs. Fresh hatched they have a bit more nutrients to them... but it is like having to chase rice crispies flying around at warp speed one by one just to get yourself breakfast. The bonus is... at least he will be entertained in the process.

Other things to try.... mosquito larvae. Tis the season... and it is one of their natural foods.

Hang in there Snick. Don't give up. You will figure out what is up soon. It could very well be something you are overlooking..... or as simple as you have bad luck and have been buying ill bettas.

*keeping fingers crossed your betta gets better!*
Hey there I have never had the problem of a betta that wouldnt eat, but my bettas are all PIGS eating whatever happens to be in the tank at the time including flake food, I strongly suggest LIVE food and cooked peeled pea. I also would feed the Betta a cooked peeled pea once every few months as it prevents swim bladder and a bunch of other things. Take the pea out of the take before it goes yucky though
Good luck

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