Babies Are Gone...


New Member
Jan 19, 2006
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Okay, I decided maybe I better post a separate topic to let everybody know what's going on.

Just the other day, my husband and I decided to reconcile and try to save our marriage. I had thought that HE wanted a divorce. Somewhere along the line, he came to the conclusion that I wanted the divorce. We've been separated (physically) for almost six months now and he is enrolled in college (in Alaska, of all places...of course he IS from there). So anyway, I finally broke down and called him up the other day to ask him if this divorce was really what he wanted...., I'm going to be moving soon to stay with my mother-in-law (or possibly my sister-in-law) until the fall when we will be able to get into the couples housing on campus. But it's doubtful that I will be able to take any of my fish with me...even have to leave my cat behind for the time being. I don't know how long it will be before I will be able to get back into the hobby....again. So, I need to find homes for these guys.

I have 3 adults in addition to the babies (who just turned ONE WEEK). I will continue to post updates to my spawn diary (George & Pearl) if at all possible. So most new information will be posted there.

I am trying to find someone as close as possible to my location in Washington state to take the babies. So please PM me or e-mail me if you'd be interested or can help me find someone who is. Thanks everybody!
I live in Cali which is a bit far away....good luck finding someone. :thumbs:
Hey congratulations on gettin back together, I hope it all works out well for you and you enjoy your new home. Life is full of suprises and you never know whats around the next corner, take each day as it comes and enjoy yourself!!
Sorry I can't help foster your babies as I'm in Southern England but I hope you'll be able to get back to the hobby soon.
Anne xx
(Nelly's sister)
I am in California. Would you ship them if someone was willing to pay for shipping costs?
I don't suppose the fry would survive shipping at this stage? Maybe you could get a Fish Store to take them?
Sorry if it took awhile to post this. I've been chatting on Messenger with my husband while trying to get stuff done online. Anyway, I'm trying to make this as fair as possible to all involved while also keeping in mind what's best for the babies. So, here are my criteria:

1. I'm not dividing up the babies. So, whoever takes them gets them all.

2. Whoever takes them needs to have some experience raising bettas (this only makes sense as it gives them the best chance at growing into healthy adults).

3. Since the father IS a half-moon, I would prefer to find someone who at least has some idea what they need to develop properly (though this is pretty easy to fix what with all the info and experts available online).

4. I would prefer to find someone in the area of Mason/Kitsap county in Washington who can meet me close to my house to pick them up so they won't sit in the box for any longer than absolutely necessary. If I can't find anyone who can pick them up, I can only ship them if you are willing to pay for the postage. I already have heat packs and all.

Now for the details on the arrangement:

Whoever takes the babies will have the option to take the adults as well (mostly, to save me time and effort in shipping them to someone else). If that person doesn't want the adults...I'm open to suggestion on how I should choose who gets them (i.e. first person who said they wanted them, person who is closest to my location, or ??).

Since I want to make sure you have everything you need for the babies, I will also provide you with vinegar eels, springtails, grindal worms, wingless fruit flies, and whatever supply of brine shrimp cysts I have left. I also have other supplies, some of which was actually donated to me before I found out I'd be moving, which you are welcome to if you need anything else. This will have to be worked out later. But I will try to get a list of the things I can give you.

This is an adoption, so I'm not asking for any monetary compensation for the fish or any of the supplies that go with them. If they must be shipped, you will only have to pay the postage since I have the packing supplies. BUT, I don't think I'd be asking too much considering all that you are getting out of the deal for the cost of postage...I would like to have my choice of them when they are old enough, and I will pay the shipping costs at that time. That way, you still get a whole bunch of bettas from quality stock for free (not to mention the other stuff), and I will still be able to have the ones I would have kept for breeding if this hadn't happened this way.

If for some reason you suffer unreasonable losses, I won't ask you to keep your end of the bargain. I may not even be able to take them when the time comes and you will simply get to keep all of them. But I would like to get breeding pairs of the resulting colors. And I won't ask you for more than six of them.

If anyone has any suggestions, please don't hesitate to post them. Thanks.

I know I'm probably farther away than most people and hopefully you'll be able to find someone who can pick them up, but like I said in the other thread, if all else fails I'd be willing to pay shipping and have the space to take the fry and adults as well. I've got some juvie splendens and tiny baby albimarginata right now so I've still got my brine shrimp hatcheries and grindal cultures going strong and all :p

Best of luck to you and your husband, I hope everything works out great for the both of you!
I raise halfmoons. I have 5 spawns at different stages right now and a couple pairs about to be released.

If you don't find anyone else you are comfortable sending them to.... I will take them.

No need for the cultures... I have all those and several others. (bbs, ve, mw, walter worms, daphnia, microfex, scuds, grindals and whiteworms.)

Shipping them will be a big trick... just a suggestion... not all in 1 bag. Some no doubt will not survive shipping and will foul the water... which will kill off others in the bag.

Send the overnight mail only.

I really really hope you find someone locally. Maybe someone who raises rainbow fish... their fry have similar needs....

That cross has some real potential. Good luck.

Oh! Just a thought..... isn't there a transhipper in Seattle? Maybe contacting them to see if they have any clients that possibly may be kinda local.
Shipping them will be a big trick... just a suggestion... not all in 1 bag. Some no doubt will not survive shipping and will foul the water... which will kill off others in the bag.

Yeah, I wasn't going to try to ship the babies all in one bag. I'm not cheap. I'm just trying to keep the whole process of shipping everybody to their new home(s) as simple as possible.

Oh! Just a thought..... isn't there a transhipper in Seattle? Maybe contacting them to see if they have any clients that possibly may be kinda local.

I have no idea if there is one here. When I had my male shipped in he had to go through a transhipper on the other side of the states somewhere...don't remember where. But again, I am trying to keep all of this as simple as possible. I'm on a time crunch here and have too much to do before I leave to track down a transhipper and all. anyway....I have to go....more later.

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