New Betta Stressed


Fish Fanatic
Jan 1, 2006
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I really didn't mean to get another male today. I went to the LFS to get plants and a cory cat for my female tank. There was a new shipment of bettas in so I though "I'll just look" after all, I didn't want another veil. There was the usually blues and reds, a couple of Cambodians, some pale ugly thing and then... I saw him. A beautiful veil butterfly, it was hard to tell his exact color because the water was blue but he appeared pale, maybe white with red butterfly markings. So he came home.

I bought a divider and divided the 5 gallon ghost is in, floated the new guy and added him in. After a few minutes he turned a lovely shade of bright, pale blue with blue & red butterfly markings. His body is speckled with blue & purple. He's so cool looking. I'll try for pictures in a couple fo days.

Anyways...on to the problem. He seems stressed. Fins are droopy, hes staying either on the bottom or hiding under the filter intake. He's not interested in food, though he does look at me when I go over to him. Ghost has been flaring like a lunatic at him. This is the first time I've had two bettas in the same tank & I'm worried about the stress factor some. I guess they will get used to each other, I just hope my new guy is ok. He looks good, nice color, smooth fins with no tears, a nice plump body. I'm I worrying for no reason?
You need to do something so they can't see each other!!! That's what is causing your fish to be stressed out. If it gets bad enough, they might bite chunks out of their own tails.
yes, :nod: I would agree with JoLtNbolt. Useing some kind of dark plastic to cover up the divider would probably help. Or maybe put plants along it so that it sheilds them from seeing eachother. Good luck! :thumbs:
Thanks, I moved their plants around some. I'll try to find something else to block their view of each other.
I though it was healthy for males to flare at each other? Thats why I divided the tank. Now I'm confused :-(
Well flareing makes bettas really tired so I would guess its not good for them to do so for a long period of time.

That makes sense. If I can't block their view enough then I'll put my new male in a smaller tank, I didn't really want to do that but oh well. :alien: I'd still like to keep a male in the divided tank with ghost, I guess I need to find more fiesty tank mate. The new guy is starting to look better and isn't hanging out on the bottom anymore. He's been looking at ghost but hasn't flared yet, maybe hes still recovering from living in a cup with 1" of water and moldy food.

I also made a mistake on his markings, hes a marble, not a butterfly. I'm still learnig all the different colors/markings :/
glad to hear your betta is doing better. I'm sure that he would enjoy his own tank. What size is the tank that you may put him in?
I have a 1 gallon hex tank, I could also put him in my 10 gallon and move the feamle into the divided tank or maybe I will go buy the 2.5 gallon with a little filter and light. I already have a 8 watt heater I could use. I'll see how he is tomorrow.
Maybe he's still settling in with you in his new home.

I have most of my bettas in divided next to eachother and after the initial couple of days flaring like crazy at eachother they soon calm down. I move them around every now and again so they get a different neighbour and they strut their stuff for a couple of days again till they are used to eachother. I've never seen them get stressed from being near eachother. They always have lovely colour and eat well. I once moved one guy out to a small tank of his own that I acquired and he got so depressed I had to put him back in the divided :rolleyes:
The water was blue because they medicate them... but regardless.... you always want to quarantine a new fish.

Give him some quiet time to settle in and figure it all out.

Keep an eye on him and make sure he is eating. That is a major indication of trouble... when they stop eating or lose color.

He will get comfy soon enough and start making faces at his neighbor. Just needs some time to adjust and establish his turf.
I'm not sure what to do. My new guy is more active this morning, flaring at his reflection but he won't eat. I may go ahead and let him have the 5 gallon for now. I can put ghost in the community tank, hes been in there before and gets along fine with everyone. If I had the room I would put everyone in their own tank but with my repltile and tarantulas I just don't have room.

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