New Betta Need Some Info.


Fish Crazy
Dec 30, 2005
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I have just got a betta (my 1st one) i have got a bowl with no lid i have heard they can jump any info would be great!.

when i had my first betta i kept him in a bowl
if the opening is small enough you could put a cd or something similar over the top
the opening was too big on mine for that, so i stretched some cling film over (with air holes of course!!)
maybe take some of the water out so it will be harder for him to jump
Yep.... they can jump. Usually the shorter the fins the more air time they can achieve.

They jump for a couple of reasons... (trying to get away from their environment either because of something toxic, something threatening.... or if some cutie is near that they want to visit.)

Catxx is right on the money with the plastic wrap with holes idea if you can't find a lid.

Plastic wrap over a spawning tank is good too for maintaining the bubbles with humidity.... should you wander that far with bettas.

Good luck and have fun!

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