You Silly Betta People..


Fish Aficionado
May 11, 2005
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I'm finally recovering fro MBS!!
I'm getting rid of my 3 VTs, maybe only 2 of them though.
I feel kinda attached to my eldest betta, which is a VT, but I think I need to give him up.
I have 7 bettas right now, and I feel like I'm not giving them all the attention they need.
So I offered OA my bettas, and if he doesn't take em, I'll look for someone local, and if not, i'll give them to a LPS.
They're all kinda old, between 2-3 years old..
But it'll be nice to be free of 3 betta bowls!
I'm keeping the 2 pairs of deltas that I got before Christmas, because I'm going to breed em..
But yeah, my fishroom that has a bed in it, might actually become a bedroom with a few fish in it!
Isn't that exciting?
I guess yall with the 40+ bettas think I'm just complaining or something, but when I'm in a 10x13 room with 25+ fish, it gets to your head.
I'm taking down 3 10Gs too.

I can't ship these bettas because I know it'd be just sending them on a death trip.
They'd never make it.

Anywho, I'm kinda excited to only have 4 bettas and a few cichlids in my room!! It seems, few!

Edit: Did I mention its all your guys' faults that I got into bettas?
*Shakes head*
I don't know if my recovery time will be sucessful... I might be in trouble again soon!
And any ideas on what i should do it OA can't take em in? None of my friends could/would..
So..... 3 VT's are too much to handle... so you are gonna get rid of them...and in time breed your deltas and make a few hundred more bettas?

2-3 years is not *kinda* old.... it IS old for a betta. 3 is ancient.
They're not too much to handle, I just don't have the time right now.
I could make time, but I'd rather go on the easy route and give em up.
Early this summer I'm going to breed em so I have plenty of time to take care of the fry.
And 3 is not ancient.
3 is getting there, just in retirement.
Plenty of people here have had their bettas live 4+
It sounds like those people that drop their 12 year old arthritic dog off at the humane society because they don't want it anymore. Very few people want to adopt an old dog with health problems. I always think it would have been kinder for them to take it to the vet and have it euthanized in their arms rather than face the stress of a shelter only to be euthanized by the staff, who are caring in their own way but do not have a 12 year connection to the dog.

Please try to find a loving home for your bettas rather than dropping them off at a pet store. They don't deserve that stress. Next time you commit to an animal, please make sure you really think about what is involved in your committment and that you won't get tired of your pet.

Please try to find a loving home for your bettas rather than dropping them off at a pet store. They don't deserve that stress.
I know they don't.
I'm going to try and give them away, but just in case, I need a back-up plan.
Were you saying I should euthanize them? I don't think that is what you were saying, but what do you think is better? Getting Euthanized, or putting them to a petstore? Hopefully I'll chose between neither, because I think OA will take them in.
And it was only recently(as in last night) that I made up my mind about getting them to a better how, where the care taker doesn't have 24 some other fish to give attention to.

Edit: euthanizeing is not an option for me, actually. I don't think i could do it unless they were soo sick they were almost dead anyways.
Look it up..... average lifespan is 2-4 years. If you think over 4 is the norm... please... you may want to tell the people who have been into bettas for the last few decades how they can maintain a 4+ lifespan consistantly.

Why post something like this? Why even say anything? How you care for an animal YOU chose to assume the responsibility for says a lot about you as a person.

*Wooo hoo. Great for you. So happy you are giving up really old bettas because you are to lazy to care for them. You must be proud caring for something only for as long as it hold your interest... or for as long as you find it convenient.*

No doubt you will ditch the deltas should something better come your way.
yeeya...... i appritiate that you are finding your fish homes as u are not able to provide them sufficient care anymore, but if most of your fish are between 2-3 years old, they are not going to live much longer anyway. yes 3 years old is ancient for store bought bettas, if not a miracle. i say that if u can find them loveing homes in town, then more power to ya, but please do not give them to your lfs, thats horrible. i would also recommend not breeding your 2 deltas. bettas can have hundreds of fry that take quite a long time to mature. you will not be able to spawn them, raise them to adulthood, and sell them all in one summer vacation, it cant happen. and since your lack of responsibility thus far has been less than great, i would recommend leaveing the breeding to the devoted betta breeders. i too have quite a number of tanks in my room that were once packed with fish. but with the threat of collage looming and the prospect of me moveing out of my parents house, i have all together stopped buying and breeding my fish. i am perfectly happy keeping what i have now and watching them grow old, i would never once think of giveing them to my lps. these fish are not toys, they are little lives, and they have all the feelings that you and i have, im sure they would greatly appritiate you hanging on to them for just a little while longer.
Why post something like this? Why even say anything? How you care for an animal YOU chose to assume the responsibility for says a lot about you as a person.
And saying that I don't have the time to give the rightful attention to something that I care for says what about me?

*Wooo hoo. Great for you. So happy you are giving up really old bettas because you are to lazy to care for them. You must be proud caring for something only for as long as it hold your interest... or for as long as you find it convenient.*
So you think I should let them sit in their bowls all day, living in the routeen of getting fed, and water changed? With no difference what-so ever?

No doubt you will ditch the deltas should something better come your way.
Excuse me? I'm kinda blow away you would post something like this.
How dare you... I am just shocked. That was so uncalled for.
Oh boy... I was just reading something on flamming, and think I should step out fo r a moment.
Stupid people online LOVE making other people upset, thats why viruses happen.
If you have too many fish to care for..... why not give up the deltas who are younger? May as well let someone take them who is willing to care for them till they pass on.

If 24 fish is too many.... and only 7 are bettas.... you really shouldn't spawn them.

Saying you are waiting till summer to spawn..... that is a cop out.

Really a pity for any of your pets.... especially if a spontaneous idea that you need to get rid of them can hit.... and that you think of killing them off as a solution to your laziness.

Don't look for support from anyone you clueless twit. I have enough faith in many of the other betta people here to know they have a heart and a conscience.

*Again.... you are in charge of their surroundings. If it is too much to care for them the right way.... get plastic fish.*
ethos, Never2ManyBettas is kind of right, i dont think there was any real reason for you to post that thread, kind of somthing you could have kept to yourself, and the fact that you are becomeing so upset over some light critisism doesn't help your case.
Light critisim? Your calling that light?

And he never answered my question.
Saying that I don't have the time to give the rightful attention to something that I care for says what about me?
This perticualr fourm USE to be filled with nice, kind people who actually had a life and the decencey to understand that you can't always keep everything you once could!
The fact that you said the bettas' age..... and how if you are making a decision which ones to give up... you pick the vts. If you really cared.... you would give the ones who had the best chances of making a big adjustment.

Instead.... you opted for giving up the oldest ones. They have maybe a year of life left. Maybe.... a year.... and that is too much for you to do.

In the same post you say you are going to spawn more. :X If 2 or 3 vt are too much for you to care for properly..... how the heck is a couple hundred fry less work? Where are you going to put them if 3 veils are overcrowding you?

You contradict yourself. If you cared at all.... this spontaneous idea which you suddenly feel the need to act on would not even be a notion. You gave no other reason for suddenly needing to give them up other than they became an overnight burden.
what does it say about you? it says that you are obviously too immature or irresponsible to care for fish if u just have some kind of sudden impulse to dump your stock. yes, the first 3-4 replys were pretty light critism, and you began to get upset over it. i have been here for almost 2 years now and i can say that this forum is indeed filled with the nicest and most educated fish people that you will ever find, this does not mean that you can just come in here and expect people to show you respect when u have obviously no respect for them or your own fish.
The fact that you said the bettas' age..... and how if you are making a decision which ones to give up... you pick the vts. If you really cared.... you would give the ones who had the best chances of making a big adjustment.

Instead.... you opted for giving up the oldest ones. They have maybe a year of life left. Maybe.... a year.... and that is too much for you to do.

In the same post you say you are going to spawn more. :X If 2 or 3 vt are too much for you to care for properly..... how the heck is a couple hundred fry less work? Where are you going to put them if 3 veils are overcrowding you?

You contradict yourself. If you cared at all.... this spontaneous idea which you suddenly feel the need to act on would not even be a notion. You gave no other reason for suddenly needing to give them up other than they became an overnight burden.
I have been planning to breed since before I even got the deltas. And no way in hell am I giving up the deltas, which I paid $40+ dollars on.
Its not a question of whether or not I'm giving away the VTs or the deltas. If any bettas are going its going to be the VTs.
3 bettas aren't too mcuh for me. I'm fine with them, but it'd be easier without them. I'm GOING to give them away to someone who will give them attention especially in their last hours - And you keep saying to get rid of my deltas. Why? They VTs are going to get more difficult sooner, because of their age.
The deltas are going to do something for me.
I love all of my bettas, and I can'tgive the attention the VTs need.
This summer when I don't have to worry about school, or work, or whatever, I'll have plenty of time.
And you know what?
I think your just stirring up trouble for the hell of it. You wouldn't have approached it this way if you really cared for the bettas themselves.

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