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  1. L

    My Sick Zebra Danio

    Thanks for telling me what caused it... yes... Rest in peace :sad:
  2. L

    My Sick Zebra Danio

    Yes It was darting around crazily whenever I got a bit close to the hospital tank... I have been down because it's dead..... at one point I thought he would be fine, about 30 hours ago, he died :sad: I put him on my own hands and when I look at his wound on his belly. I was really upset... it...
  3. L

    My Sick Zebra Danio

    Alright, thanks for telling me those Wilder, the white thing under his tummy seems gone. But the wounds on his tummy seems haven't improved...since last night his fin doesn't clamped at more. but whenever I look at him closely, he always frighten and swim around quickly... with that, I couldn't...
  4. L

    My Sick Zebra Danio

    the white thingy doesn't look like anchor worm at all (thanks for letting me look at that parasites photo) No Scales sticking out, the fish can maintain its balacne in water, I feed small amount of flake food usually 1 time per day as I see they love picking those plants in the tank to eat...
  5. L

    My Sick Zebra Danio

    Hello everyone, haven't been posting for quite some times now.... :sad: it's sad to start posting again because of one of my fish (zebra danio) having problem :/ I have an 18 gallon fish tank with 8 danio 2 peppered corydoras. I do 15% water change every 2 weeks. Haven't add any new...
  6. L

    My Tank -updated 4th July

    Qays, you did a great job on making into a tropical tank :drool: I wish I am as good as you hehe nice looking tank and doesn't seems crowded at all as others members had already said :blush:
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    Urgent Help Needed! Large Koi Dieing!

    oh no :( I've just read 4 pages all those posts/replies under this topic.... I am sorry to hear all this is happening :( fingers crossed for those koi and crap.
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    Tank Tempature Too Hot

    Hello, liserini, I live in hotter climates area (than United Kingdom). This would not sound good for our planet Earth but I open air conditioner during day time. So my fish tank stay cool :) Good that where I am living in is NOT hot climate area all year round Edits: oh yeah I've been...
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    Shock Horror

    20 small gold fishes? :D
  10. L

    How To Keep Baby Brine Shrimps Alive?

    Is there any ways to keep them alive and happy? IF so how (anyone knows?) If there is no way I will throw them away since there are tons left-over, While I've already over-given the amount what my 10 fishes should eat daily.... :(
  11. L

    How To Keep Baby Brine Shrimps Alive?

    how to set up salt water? how many tea spoon of salt? is table salt alright? May I ask what is hatchery? If hatchery is the set up of hatching BBS from brine shrimps eggs, then I don't have :( I have heard green water is very good for them if I want to grow them up. Is that true? Those...
  12. L

    How To Keep Baby Brine Shrimps Alive?

    eek so they needed saltwater to alive? maybe I should just throw what left away? keep those in refrigerator to keep them fresh/not rotten? Can't be be fed once they died? If, only if I want to keep them alive and rise a few of them up, what should I do?
  13. L

    How To Keep Baby Brine Shrimps Alive?

    I've just bought a bag of baby brine shrimps, they are orange-ish in color eh? I put some of them in my tank (which have 8 danio and 2 corydoras) since those are small fishes, and I don't want to put all BBS into the main tank, what I should do with the rest? should I keep it alive? how? I also...
  14. L

    No2 Spike?

    Thanks a lot tttnjfttt , To my surprise, after tested the nitrate level of my tap water, there seems no nitrate in tap water here, Is this strange or not everybody's tap water has nitrate in it? Though I used my tank water to filled that 1 gallon tank. My 24" tank water nitrate level are very...
  15. L

    No2 Spike?

    hello everyone May I ask is this nitrite(NO2) spike? ammonia: 0.8 nitrite : 7 nitrate: 20 This water stats is in my 1 gallon tank which I opened 19th of this month. should I do a bit water change? (nothing in there, just gravel and dying plants as well as air stones)
  16. L

    Calling All Brits- Fishless Cycle Ammonia Query

    haha urine, but well if it's not harmful might be good to use :P Oh I've read & learned in somewhere on here, plants that are dying (/rottening) is good for fisheless cycle too. I can't find pure ammonia here. On 19th feb 2006, I've filled the 1 gallon tank with gravel, 1 stem of going-to-die...
  17. L

    Those Shrimps Bought From Market

    They were greyish in color, with white legs. I could easily see their guts at their back (Since the black color of the guts are so clearly show out). I did try to add air stones, small stones, few small rottening plants from my own tank, use fish tank water, to fill the :/ 1 gallon tank...
  18. L

    What Would You Keep In A 20 Gallon Long?

    If I have another tank and its 20 gallon, I would heavy planted it with java moss and buy some shrimps and start obsession with shrimps :D
  19. L

    Those Shrimps Bought From Market

    Those freshwater swimming shrimps bought from market for dinner purpose shouldn't be keep as a pet right? about 4 inches long... may I ask what is the name of those shrimp? anyone here ever tried to keep them alive as pet? just out of wonder :look: I am looking at them now... they swim like...
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    Big Belly For Zebra Danio?

    oh no... well I know her tail fin is kind of close when swimming, I must say she got a small tail though, not those big open long fin tail like other female danio in the fish tank... :( what should I do... well if swimbladder :-( sigh ............... well the one you mentioned seems like she is...
  21. find_another_one.JPG


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  23. L

    Big Belly For Zebra Danio?

    :hey: well never know that can be known as lovely, esp with that belly... I am so sure I didn't overfeed. She was like that when arrived here... I was sad the shop keeper choose me a fish like that (like going to burst), well with she inside my fish tank. I am sure 'under-fed' is more likely...
  24. my_family_of_8_danio.JPG


  25. L

    Big Belly For Zebra Danio?

    With this post Big belly in beginner forum, I include the pictures in here: these 3 fish are the same fish with that big belly. I didn't post in here since I didn't think it is an emergencies, but now I'm here since I know I can't upload pictures in beginner forum. Please forgive me if I break...
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  29. L

    Big Belly?

    yes I do have taken photo of her belly. She seems fine and normal as other fishes, she is the most hungry fish among 10 of my fishes, I admit I haven't see her "goes to toilet" a lot like other fishes, but yes her "fish waste" seems normal, if I fed vegetables or if she has been picking on...
  30. L

    Big Belly?

    Hi everyone, Swollen Belly On A Tiger Barb oh no... after I've read that post, I am worrying about my zebra danio now... she had been one of the earliest fish inside my fish tank. Since that day, she's been having a swollen belly, it's kind of like bloated. I have read female zebra danio should...
  31. L

    Could Someone Id This?

    G_sharky, thanks a lot for the name and the help :)
  32. L

    New Cory

    Your other corydoras looks like those two in the picture below? Corydoras paleatus? My two corydoras :) (this picture was taken on the first day of their arrivals in my fish tank)
  33. L

    Could Someone Id This?

    This fish was inside my father fish tank like 3 years until last year december. May someone tell me this fish English name? Thanks
  34. fish_name.JPG


  35. L

    Biggest Fish

    My biggest fish is long fin zebra danio (female) which is about 1.5 inches haha.. But Our family used to have a koi with us (for 4 years+) He died last months... He was 16 inches long. Biggest among all koi inside the monster tank (180 gallons). 6 years ago there was even a monster koi(in my...
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    I Get Upset

    Yes I get upset too with all of most of fish shop keepers and fish sellers in here too... I once was inside a fish shop, the owner of the fish shop were talking with me , out of a sudden a small fish jump out of its tank and landed on the floor & jumping. Guess what she did with that fish? :no...
  37. L

    How Long Are Your Fishies Days?

    For me 10 hours, from 11a.m. till 8p.m. :)
  38. L

    This Is Truely Amazing

    My opinion, yes it is a horror film as somebody have already said... I also feel sorry abou those fish jumped out onto the boat and got hurt badly... But hey, that video showed me something I haven't seen before! so thanks for the link :D
  39. L

    New Here And Have A Few Questions

    Your tank looks nice :) As dgwebster said, leopard danio might be good choice too. Maybe with some nice looking corydoras? :) I would guess tiger barbs fins nipping rate is same (if not less) than zebra / leopard danio? If that's the case then corydoras paleatus surely with suit with tiger...
  40. L

    Feeding Times?

    more poop = easier for growing of brown algae? My tank glasses needed to be cleaned due to those brown algae that keep coming back... :\ (Are those brown algae are in brown color and sticking on glasses but easily to remove by clothes/cotton/hands) Anyway having 2 corydoras at the bottom while...