What Would You Keep In A 20 Gallon Long?


Fish Herder
Mar 18, 2005
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I'm not asking what I should keep in a 20 gallon (because people can't read minds), I'm asking what you would keep in a spare 20 gallon long. It has to be tropical though (I'm trying to get stocking ideas).
I have
2 dwarf gouramis
4 swordtails
3 corydoras
6 cherry barbs
sand substrate a few caves lightly planted and some mopani wood to release tannins into the water for a slightly murky look
I'd put my pair of Rams in there so they could breed to their heart's content and not have to worry about other fish eating the eggs/babies.
i would cycle the 20g with zebra zanios then give them away and get a pair of angels and breed them.
Hi MegTheFish :)

I'd keep one or two species of corydoras in there. I have a 20 gallon tank that is currently home to about 20 C. pandas and some C. pygmaeus. The pandas are doing well and even spawning regularly for me. :D
I defently want to get a few groups of cories in there, as the tank has sand. It's currently divided into 5 sections with bettas but I wanted to try something different. I would need a filter though, as the one it came with doesn't work (2nd hand tank). I have a filter for a 10 gallon and a filter for a 5 gallon (both came with the kit with the tank) that I was thinking of combining, but I didn't know if that would be enough? Probably would be better to just get a new one.

Have you been able to save any of the babies, Inchworm? Panda's are one of the more fragile cories, right?

i would cycle the 20g with zebra zanios then give them away and get a pair of angels and breed them.
A 20 gallon isn't big enough for angels, actually. They need more height (a 20 gallon long is pretty short) and I think atleast 30 gallons for a pair. I'm just using filter media from another tank to get it cycled, and if I were to cycle the tank from scratch I would do a fishless cycle so no fish are harmed.
i would stock a 20g right now with

about 15 neons/caridnals tetras

2 rams, 6 corys and 2 ottos

My original plan was to get a group of 5 cories and a trio of dwarf gouramis for my 19 gal.

Then my livebearers bred and I ended up with 4 cories, 4 male platies and 1 male guppy who schools with them. Quite a nice tank actually, if not very original.

When I reshuffle I am planning for a male peacock goby with a harem of 3 or 4 females. Not sure what I'll keep in with him. Thinking maybe of blue limias.

My other (15 gal) tank I am planning eventually to turn into a cichlid shelldweller tank for multies.
If I have another tank and its 20 gallon, I would heavy planted it with java moss and buy some shrimps and start obsession with shrimps :D
Thanks for the ideas everybody.
When the tank is eventually converted over I'll probably be moving my 4 glowlight tetras in there to, and add a few more. So puffers would be out of the question, and any large aggressive fish.

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