Big Belly For Zebra Danio?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 9, 2005
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With this post Big belly in beginner forum, I include the pictures in here:

these 3 fish are the same fish with that big belly. I didn't post in here since I didn't think it is an emergencies, but now I'm here since I know I can't upload pictures in beginner forum. Please forgive me if I break any rules...

Lovely fish, are you sure they are not just being over fed, if they are pooing fine, and they can maintain there balance and scales are not sticking out, i would say they are fine, just cut back on feeding, and shelled peas and daphnia will do them the world of good, can you enlarge that last pic if possible.
:hey: well never know that can be known as lovely, esp with that belly... I am so sure I didn't overfeed. She was like that when arrived here... I was sad the shop keeper choose me a fish like that (like going to burst), well with she inside my fish tank. I am sure 'under-fed' is more likely. Don't want to make her burst.

Sadly still, she ate a lot of fish food(all the time) like she will lose out if she doesn't act fast.

Second to the left is the big belly danio. (yeah like I need to tell who is she with that belly :lol: )

Yup, scales never sticked out, she swims normally too. Isn't that live foods can give more troubles with fish (esp with a big belly like that)? I do feed pea(remove shells before feeding) once in a while. Thanks here, without this forum, I would never feed my fish with peas hehe... Thanks TFF

the last picture in previous post is largest in original photo, I can only enlarge that :( sorry I know it doesn't help at all....doesnt_do_any_good_right_sorry.JPG
That bottom one again dosn't look right to me is the tail beginning to bend, as i've had that and it was swimbladder.
oh no... well I know her tail fin is kind of close when swimming, I must say she got a small tail though, not those big open long fin tail like other female danio in the fish tank... :( what should I do... well if swimbladder :-( sigh ............... well the one you mentioned seems like she is moving her tail I guess? when she swim she looks normal

I know what to do with swimbladder after researches since white spots break out (due to keep checking disease posts)

another photofind_another_one.JPG
With them being bloated i would try a bacterial med if you have just bought them.

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