My Sick Zebra Danio


Fish Fanatic
Nov 9, 2005
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Hello everyone, haven't been posting for quite some times now.... :sad: it's sad to start posting again because of one of my fish (zebra danio) having problem :/ I have an 18 gallon fish tank with 8 danio 2 peppered corydoras. I do 15% water change every 2 weeks. Haven't add any new fishes/plants since 9 months ago

everything has been going smooth in the past 8 months, until 4 days ago... one of my (male) zebra danio suddenly have swelling in stomach area. I thought maybe he ate more than others in the last feeding. So I just didn't really invested into the situation. The next day I didn't feed anything at all, though the swelling hasn't decreased when I checked. Yesterday to my surprise :blink: it has 2 red patches/wounds on it's swollen belly.

and yesterday night, I was checking that fish and realised it has something white sticking out (about 1-2mm) of his belly :sad:. It also has been swimming away from other fishes. So I net that fish out and put that in my hospital tank since then... I also noticed a very little bit of clamped fins goings on...

Could someone tells me what's going on? was that white thingy parasite? red patch cause by that fish being bullied (since it is the smallest fish in my whole fish tank)? I hate to say this but maybe swelling belly is somehow deal with cancer/TB (really hope not)? :no: I hate what is going on with that fish :( Could this be Septicemia as well?

Did the white thing have a forked tail as yes parsites like anchor worm can cause red swelling marks where the parasite hooked on.
Parasites can cause bacterial infections as well.
Swollen belly can be constipation, swimbladder, to driopsy,
All scales sticking out, can the fish maintain it balance in the water, what do you feed the fish.
And can you say what colour is there poo when they go to the toilet.
Its a small tank and quite well stocked so you should be doing a water change once a week.

This is anchor worm.
the white thingy doesn't look like anchor worm at all (thanks for letting me look at that parasites photo)
No Scales sticking out, the fish can maintain its balacne in water, I feed small amount of flake food usually 1 time per day as I see they love picking those plants in the tank to eat... Once in a blue moon I buy BBS for them.

Sometimes brownish red poo sometimes totally green poo though (must have been because those plants they keep picking on)

Yesterday I saw a kind of invisible thin & short (white/yellow) string at the bottom part of the zebra danio. I have tried but have no idea where it was attached from (so not sure if it's from its anus). I can't saw that thing at this moment anymore...

Thanks for the suggestion, I will do water change weekly then. That fish still looks :/ okay I guess.. since I saw nothing like flipping or scratching...
Internal worms are ususally white, and red when they have been sucking on the host blood.
What do you feed the fish, also check the anus to see if it looks enlarged or red and inflamed.
Only yellow worm i can think of in hole in the head.

Just take a look at hole in the head anyway.
Alright, thanks for telling me those Wilder, the white thing under his tummy seems gone. But the wounds on his tummy seems haven't improved...since last night his fin doesn't clamped at more. but whenever I look at him closely, he always frighten and swim around quickly... with that, I couldn't check his anus, he wasn't like that yesterday and the day before.... :/

I didn't feed him on the first day, yesterday I fed him little bits of shelled pea, today I fed him tiny amount of flake food.

will keep you update, I guess maybe if his wounds healed he might be okay to be back in main tank? *fingers crossed*
You could dab the wounds with methylene blue or melafix.
Is the fish darting around like something is irratating him.

You could also maybe do a bath on the fish.

Yes It was darting around crazily whenever I got a bit close to the hospital tank... I have been down because it's dead..... at one point I thought he would be fine, about 30 hours ago, he died :sad: I put him on my own hands and when I look at his wound on his belly. I was really upset... it turned out its more than just wounds, on its left side it's wounds. But on the bottom part of the swollen belly, it looks like the outer skin of the belly nearly gone... pale pinkish white (his own swollen belly?) expose without any of his own skin that should be there covering it... I was so speechless & upset about my fish has to go through all these... :sad: still upset but that's nothing I could do right?... *sigh*

Thanks for the link Wilder... Hopefully I won't need see that link anymore (but I've just saved it just in case)
Bless him bad bacteria infection that was eating away at his skin by the sounds of it, it's awful i know when you lose a fish you really loved, you did the best for him and that how you have to think about it.
R.I.P. Good luck with the rest of the tank.
Thanks for telling me what caused it... yes... Rest in peace :sad:

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