New Here And Have A Few Questions


New Member
Jan 17, 2006
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Hey everyone,
Just came across this site today and was happy to find a fish forum with some traffic. Anyway, I just got my first tank for Christmas, a 29 gallon that came in a starter type kit. After reading some websites and doing some research I began to cycle with 4 smaller tiger barbs (after reading even more after I started I wish I would have went the fishless route, but too late now) I am only three days in but was wondering what kind of other fish would go well with the tigers. I have read that bettas and angels are not so great due to their bigger tails. If there are any types that would go better then others it would be appreciated. My other question is, has any one ordered fish from online (notably live aquaria)? I ask as they seem to have a better selection than my local fish store, but am very hesitant do to the shipping process and not being able to see the fish first. Thank you for any comments.
I've never ordered fish online, but I've ordered aquarium supplies from and have looked at their live fish selection. Looks good to me and sounds like they know what they're talking about. :flowers:
Dwarf Gourami, Kissing Gourami, Corydoras, Pleco, Neon Tetra, Serpae Tetra, Silver Dollar, Bala Shark, Cherry Barbs, Red Tail Shark, Rosy Barb, Tiger Barb, White Clouds, Zebra Danio, Clown Loach, Platy, Swordtail

obviously youd need to rule a few of those out due to size requirements :) hope thhis helps. I also recommend getting at least another 2 tiger barbs, everything i;ve read up on these guys siggests 6 as the minimum for them to school happily.
I was planning on adding another two tigers already from what I read they seem to bother slower moving fish less when in larger groups. Thanks for the list... :)
welcome. also the leopard danio is good. i recently saw a small school of 6 danios, 3 zebra and 2 leopard was rather striking.
Dwarf Gourami, Kissing Gourami, Corydoras, Pleco, Neon Tetra, Serpae Tetra, Silver Dollar, Bala Shark, Cherry Barbs, Red Tail Shark, Rosy Barb, Tiger Barb, White Clouds, Zebra Danio, Clown Loach, Platy, Swordtail

obviously youd need to rule a few of those out due to size requirements :) hope thhis helps. I also recommend getting at least another 2 tiger barbs, everything i;ve read up on these guys siggests 6 as the minimum for them to school happily.

I wouldn't put dwarf gouramis (easily stressed) in with tiger barbs. Not sure about the platies either, doubt if they really have the stamina. Lots of people prefer keeping tiger barbs on their own in species tanks, but in quite large groups (8-10 or more) to spread aggression.

Dwarf Gourami, Kissing Gourami, Corydoras, Pleco, Neon Tetra, Serpae Tetra, Silver Dollar, Bala Shark, Cherry Barbs, Red Tail Shark, Rosy Barb, Tiger Barb, White Clouds, Zebra Danio, Clown Loach, Platy, Swordtail

Of the above mentioned fish by dgwebster, it was stated that its a 29 gallon tank which is far too small for kissing gourami, silver dollar, bala shark and clown loach.

Check out the fish index and see what you like and whats available in shops near you then ask on here if they're compatible, generally tiger barbs are fin nippers but if you keep them in groups of 6 or more they should pick on each other and not the other fish in the tank. Gourami's i would think would be harassed and have their feelers nipped by the barbs. How about doing a tiger only tank with some greens and albinos as well as the usually stripy ones, khuli loaches would be a good addition for a bottom fish as some people have had problems with their barbs nipping corys. You could also add a bristlenose plec for algae duties once the tank is mature.

that is a good point about those fish i listed, I was listing some of the fish that can be considered to go in a tank with barbs given consideration to crowding etc.
ok...thank you everyone for the info. I still have quite a bit till the tank is cycled and ready to be stocked but want to research what i am going to stock with. But does anyone have experience with buying fish online, should I stay away from it? Thanks
Heres a pic of the tank if anyone is curious...


and one closer of 3 of the barbs

Your tank looks nice :)

As dgwebster said, leopard danio might be good choice too. Maybe with some nice looking corydoras? :)

I would guess tiger barbs fins nipping rate is same (if not less) than zebra / leopard danio? If that's the case then corydoras paleatus surely with suit with tiger barbs since I keep 2 corydoras paleatus along with 7 zebra danio and 1 leopard danio, only see danios pushing those 2 corydoras away at feeding time (once in a while) when flake food being fed.

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