Big Belly?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 9, 2005
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Hi everyone,
Swollen Belly On A Tiger Barb

oh no... after I've read that post, I am worrying about my zebra danio now... she had been one of the earliest fish inside my fish tank. Since that day, she's been having a swollen belly, it's kind of like bloated. I have read female zebra danio should have bloated bodies but I am quite sure her belly is "bigger" than usual ones.

It's been 3 months now, she seems fine. I never fed any live foods (or frozen lives food) to any of my fishes, due to I've heard it's quite fillings for diets as well as those might contain parasites. Call me silly but till now that is the only reason keep me away from buying those live foods(either frozen or living). I would like to get some baby brime shrimps for them but nowhere in here have those :( *sigh*

I feed my fish with different kind of thing though, like vegetables, flake food, Pellets fish food, Freeze-Dried Blood Worms (from Hikari) as well as freeze-dried brime shrimps (aslo from Hirkari)

I do realised that if I feed less, the belly seems not that bloated, still she like to pick and eat those plants leaves if I feed too little :( so that never gonna helps

if she's really having bacterial problem, I wonder what should I do? hope it's not as wilder had mentioned "Once they get a bacterial problem and they are really bloated up no nothing would of helped really"
Do you have a pic of her, bloated bellys can she maintain her balance in the water, are scales sticking out like a pinecone, also being bloated can be constipation so try some shelled peas and frozen daphnia, also what does it look like when the fish goes to the toilet, also is she hiding or resting on things.
Not the writer of this.
Intestinal obstruction with bloating may affect the swimbladder functionality. This problem is associated with overfeeding, or use of dry foods that have not been previously hydrated, that then expand in the stomach of the fish. The problem is often self-limiting (no more food should be administered until resolution), but if it does not resolve within a few days, two teaspoons of Epsom salts each ten gallon of aquarium water often clear the intestinal tract of the fish within a few more days.
yes I do have taken photo of her belly. She seems fine and normal as other fishes, she is the most hungry fish among 10 of my fishes, I admit I haven't see her "goes to toilet" a lot like other fishes, but yes her "fish waste" seems normal, if I fed vegetables or if she has been picking on leaves, her "fish waste" shown green. If flake food being fed, browish\red.

how to put photo in this section? or should I post in other forum(where is best?)?

UPDATES: thanks wilder, I added the pictures in this post:
Just post the pic in the emergency section it has a browser and it easier to use, good luck.

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