New Cory


Fish Crazy
Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
Rochester, MI
I got this cory at the lfs and was told it was a C.Aeneus. Since I read other forums about this, thought I'd post my pic and see what you think it is. So tiny and hangs out with another cory which I can't remember what name they said and couldn't get a pic of...I'm kinda hooked on cories now. Let me know what you think it is.

Looks like a Bronze C. Aeneus to me. Kinda hard to tell with that picture though.

Yeahk, but I think you might be right...he sorta has that type other cory is really hard to tell and is in hiding...i think that one is more spotty and has a line down the middle where this one is more greenish color

Hi neon_platys :)

Yes, it's a bronze C. aeneus. :nod:

Now, what are you going to do with it? It should really have a few friends of his own kind to keep him company since he is a schooling fish. Will you be getting a larger tank soon? :unsure:
Hi neon_platys :)

Yes, it's a bronze C. aeneus. :nod:

Now, what are you going to do with it? It should really have a few friends of his own kind to keep him company since he is a schooling fish. Will you be getting a larger tank soon? :unsure:

larger tank and he has one friend but i couldn't get a pic of him/her maybe its a her since it's bigger and i've read fem cories are bigger than the males...I can't remember the name the store said for that one...i'll have to visit that catfish page again...yeah at first my favorite fish were the neons and platys, hence the name but I really love my little cories...esp when they move around or are on teh ground eating together or following the CAE around, who has yet to do anything to any fish to my knowledge, and if he does he's gonna be returned or soemthing, as much as i like him...If I get a pic of the other cory I'll post it

Thank you!
Is your water really cloudy or is just the camera? The one facing directly to the screen looks like a Bronze C. Aeneus. The other one does too, but I really can't tell by that picture.
Is your water really cloudy or is just the camera? The one facing directly to the screen looks like a Bronze C. Aeneus. The other one does too, but I really can't tell by that picture.

Actually they are different but the one facing the camera is really hard to get a pic of b/c he is always hiding...It is just my camera, very old and when you zoom you get UFO pics :lol: so unless i catch the other cory at a time where it is near the front or swimming around i might be outta luck...I'm gonna go ot the catfish page and post what the LFS said that one was at is different color/pattern/size then the identified Bronze C. Aeneus.

Is your water really cloudy or is just the camera? The one facing directly to the screen looks like a Bronze C. Aeneus. The other one does too, but I really can't tell by that picture.

Actually they are different but the one facing the camera is really hard to get a pic of b/c he is always hiding...It is just my camera, very old and when you zoom you get UFO pics :lol: so unless i catch the other cory at a time where it is near the front or swimming around i might be outta luck...I'm gonna go ot the catfish page and post what the LFS said that one was at is different color/pattern/size then the identified Bronze C. Aeneus.


THe LFS had more of the cory i on the tank was Plaeteneus (?)

heres another pic
Your other corydoras looks like those two in the picture below? Corydoras paleatus?

My two corydoras :)


(this picture was taken on the first day of their arrivals in my fish tank)
Your other corydoras looks like those two in the picture below? Corydoras paleatus?

My two corydoras :)


(this picture was taken on the first day of their arrivals in my fish tank)

YES!! Finally clear picture, the one for sure is C. Paleatus, it looks just like other cory is the Bronze C. Aeneus...WOOOHOO now my two mysteries are solved :) Now I just need to get a big ass tank to put them and my platys in...I saw someone say they wanted to do like 55 gallons of just platys and corys and I think that's a cool idea :hey: but to add to that my craziness, and I would want to add tubes leaving that tank leading to other smaller tanks which would mean good bye dining room, hello aqua land....and most likely hello institution for Brian hahaha

Your other corydoras looks like those two in the picture below? Corydoras paleatus?

My two corydoras :)

(this picture was taken on the first day of their arrivals in my fish tank)

YES!! Finally clear picture, the one for sure is C. Paleatus, it looks just like other cory is the Bronze C. Aeneus...WOOOHOO now my two mysteries are solved :) Now I just need to get a big ass tank to put them and my platys in...I saw someone say they wanted to do like 55 gallons of just platys and corys and I think that's a cool idea :hey: but to add to that my craziness, and I would want to add tubes leaving that tank leading to other smaller tanks which would mean good bye dining room, hello aqua land....and most likely hello institution for Brian hahaha


Remember that Cories like to be in groups of 3 to 4, but prefer to be in groups of 4 to 6 of thier own species. They are much more comfortable and will be more active in groups. Just make sure you have enough room in your tank.
you know, the cory and platty idea is very possible. I have a guppy and cory 55G. My guppies breed like crazy (just like platties) and i sell some occasionally. Cories breed pretty easily too, some species, like your 2 cories, what i'm saying is that you can have a tank full of cories and platties, for a very little cost, they just need your time and patience (to raise them) :)

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