No2 Spike?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 9, 2005
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hello everyone
May I ask is this nitrite(NO2) spike?

ammonia: 0.8
nitrite : 7
nitrate: 20

This water stats is in my 1 gallon tank which I opened 19th of this month.

should I do a bit water change? (nothing in there, just gravel and dying plants as well as air stones)
It looks like you have a nitrite spike. you should be fine wihtout a water change, but if it does get much higher i would do a partial change, just to not overwhelm the new bacteria. What are the nitrates from your tap water? keeping an eye on the nitrate reading will give you an idea of how much nitrite is gettign turned into ntirate.
Thanks a lot tttnjfttt ,
To my surprise, after tested the nitrate level of my tap water, there seems no nitrate in tap water here, Is this strange or not everybody's tap water has nitrate in it?

Though I used my tank water to filled that 1 gallon tank. My 24" tank water nitrate level are very low too, appox. 3 or 5 mg/l.
Sorry I can't tell good with the color it showed up when testing the 24" fish tank water.
Thanks a lot tttnjfttt ,
To my surprise, after tested the nitrate level of my tap water, there seems no nitrate in tap water here, Is this strange or not everybody's tap water has nitrate in it?

Though I used my tank water to filled that 1 gallon tank. My 24" tank water nitrate level are very low too, appox. 3 or 5 mg/l.
Sorry I can't tell good with the color it showed up when testing the 24" fish tank water.

My tap water doesn't have Nitrate in it. I seem to be lucky as it also doesn't contain ammonia or nitrite, or if it does, it's in amounts that do not register on my test kits.

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