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  1. S

    Gourami Group Dynamic

    Blue, gold, opaline, lavender, three-spot etc are the same species (Trichogaster trichopterus). The males are rather more aggressive than the females - what sex is yours? If male, don't add any more. If female, a couple more females would work of that same species (colour is irrelevant). Best...
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    Pearl Lace Gouramis

    Ideally, you'd add more - but you are in danger of overstocking if you add any more fish. Instead, I can only suggest adding more hiding places (i.e. floating plants) and re-directing the water flow to make sure it isn't disturbing the surface too much (plus the cories will like it if there's a...
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    Red Robin Gourami?

    66 litres is 15 gallons approx. This is fine for a single one if it's a dwarf gourami (Colisa lalia) which these often are. However, there are very few other things that should be included - i.e. nothing surface-dwelling or aggressive. And, again, it's not really suitable for more than one male...
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    Right, Ill Going To Tell You/

    By 20 do you mean litre or gallon? It would be better if you could list all your tanks and under them exactly what fish are in them. All I can say for sure right now is don't put any bettas and gouramies in the same tank. Put the zebras (danios?) in the largest tank - better put the rams there...
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    Dwarf Gourami

    What's the temperature and pH/hardness? It's best to have water on the soft side and a temp of about 80-82 deg F when trying to breed these. Also, make sure any current isn't so strong as to destroy the bubblenest and include lots of floating plants. The female needs to be conditioned for...
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    A Pair Of Pearl Gouramis & A Bubble Nest.

    Assuming you realise that a bubblenest rarely means you'll get fry in a community setting with gouramies (the fry hardly ever make it), then I would suggest increasing the water current near the surface of the tank. This will prevent the male from building another nest and you should have far...
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    Would Pearl Gourami And Sparkling Gourami Be Ok Together?

    There is a risk that the pearls, with their incredible fins, would get nipped. They are my favourites but I would not suggest them in this tank. A nice alternative might be the banded gourami - Colisa fasciata (also sometimes called Trichogaster fasciata). They are also known as banded, indian...
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    Paradise Fish

    In terms of the injury, just keep the tank water clean and make sure the temperature is not too high (as this encourages bacterial and fungal growth). Paradisefish are absurdly hardy and it should be fine.
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    Tank Size?

    If they are both males, you won't be able to keep them together - they can turn as aggressive as male bettas. Pairs don't generally work out either. If you want both of them in a single tank, I would say that it's no exaggeration to need around 55 gallons (approx. 200 litres). On their own...
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    Honeys Breeding

    If your female is carrying eggs (she'll be obviously plump) and decides she likes your male, they will engage in a 'nuptial embrace' where the male raps his body around the female's under the nest and fertilises the eggs as she releases them. The male will then collect any eggs that don't go...
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    What Is Your Favourite Gourami

    I just wanted to say that I love that image jschlosser! Your tank sounds downright charming! My favourite gourami - and indeed fish in general! - is the pearl (Trichogaster leeri). I've kept lots of different gouramies, as well as ctenopomas and other anabantoids, and I still think pearls are...
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    Omigosh Help D:

    Other way around - NO2 is nitrite :P But, yeah - ammonia and ammonium like you said. If you could post a picture, I'm sure someone would be able to tell if it's ich.
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    2 New Gourami

    Goldfish, especially fancy goldfish, do often get raised in warm tanks - but not so warm as to be considered tropical. The reason that this is done is partly precisely because, being cold-blooded, fish have a higher metabolic rate at higher temperatures since reactions involved in metabolism...
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    Gourami Compatibility

    You could have danios but the gouramies probably won't appreciate the intrusion. Guppies I would avoid as they are liable to get nipped. An alternative to guppies would be a trio of platies (i.e. one male, two females) or even a larger group - just make sure there are at least 2 females per...
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    Gourami With Bowel Problems!

    Provided it isn't a worm (as per the above post), he sounds fine. You should only be concerned if he also looks bloated or has that stringy white poo you mentioned. Fish do not have long digestive tracts and dwarf gouramies will readily nibble on plants and algae all the time.
  16. S

    Looking For Honey Gouramis?

    First off, I wouldn't suggest two - a trio (1 male, 2 females) is better or else go for just one male. Unless, of course, you can buy an adult pair that have been together a fair while. One of the problems with buying online is actually precisely that you can't be certain of the sex or, indeed...
  17. S

    Honey Gourami Nipping?

    When you say 'honey' do you mean the dwarf color morph (Colisa lalia) or an actual honey gourami (Colisa chuna)? It is a little unusual for the honey to be going after cories but otherwise the males are territorial so you should expect some chasing. How big is your tank? I would add some kind of...
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    Sexing Young Pearls

    Can you get photos of them side-on? Even at 3", females tend to look quite a bit plumper than males but you probably won't be able to spot any fin or color differences just yet. The two locking mouths are almost certainly going to turn out to be male but that doesn't preclude the third from...
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    Dead Dwarf Please Help

    Could you have forgotten to dechlorinate or used water at a different temperature? Dwarf gouramies get stressed and die easily and the presence of another (I assume male) in such close quarters can only add to this. BTW, was the white fluffy or flat? If it was a secondary infection over an ulcer...
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    Some Pics Of My Gouramis

    Very cute! I love your honeys.
  21. S

    Paradise Breeding

    Females look plump when they are ready to breed. The actual size at which they are sexually mature is variable. They can be bred just like bettas so perhaps do a search on betta breeding for details on that since there are tonnes of articles relating to it. Do make sure your LFS is willing to...
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    Blue Gourami

    Get some live food - bloodworm, blackworm, brine shrimp or daphnia. That should get him eating.
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    Snakeskin Gourami

    As for the second part of your question, there are both benefits and drawbacks and it all depends on your perspective. Firstly, practically-speaking, wild-caught fish are less able to adapt to new conditions and tend to be older. They are also less likely to be able to cope with common aquarium...
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    Tank Of Death

    Hey :) First of all, post your tank's ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels. Then list EXACTLY what fish you have in your tank right now. To me it sounds like you may not have really 'cycled' your tank before adding the gouramies. What exactly did you do to prepaire the tank for fish? Read the...
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    Is Aquarium Salt Good For Gouramis?

    Why do you need to treat? If this is simply for medicinal purposes (e.g. to cure ich), then it's fine for most gouramies. Obviously, if you intend to turn your tank brackish, you must not include the gouramies - you also shouldn't really use aquarium salt as it does not contain all the minerals...
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    Sick Opaline Gourami?

    Hello :) Can you tell us how large your tank is, what other fish are in it and how many and how long it has been set up for? It may also help to know your tank's temperature, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels. If you don't know what any of this is, there are some links in my signature you...
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    Which Gourami?

    What species of tetras and danios and how big is the tank? Dwarf gouramies are one of the most fragile of the common gourami species because they are very disease-prone. In general, danios do not make good tankmates for gouramies because they occupy the upper water layers and so compete with...
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    Any Compatible Top Swimmers..

    Just replying cause I see no one else has. In terms of other top dwellers - not really :P Danios work well with aggressive fish because they can get away - however, the stress they might cause your gourami (believe it or not) is not worth taking the risk over and they can actually make the fish...
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    Sexing Moonlight Gourami

    Try looking at them from above - the wider ones are female. This isn't entirely accurate with younger fish but it could help. You could always get 5 and let them grow out - you are bound to have at least 2 females and a male and you can return the surplus later.
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    Kissing Gourami`s

    Just to clarify - don't do it, they'll eat the other fish :P
  31. S

    2 Pearl Gourami Questions. Compatibility And Calming Them Down!

    2 male gouramies should never be kept in a small tank together. Your tank is too small for pearl gouramies even if they are young because it's not just about stocking but also about physical space needed for building territories and activity levels. Take both of those gouramies back. Blue...
  32. S

    Single Gourami As A Centerpiece Fish?

    Dwarf gouramies (Colisa lalia) are disease-prone and so should not be kept in tanks where they might be stressed by active fish such as danios. Also, keep in mind that most of the 'common' gourami species are top-dwelling and so would compete with danios for space. A single male is otherwise...
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    Kissing Gouramis

    Kissing gouramies also much appreciate vegetable-based foods and a high-veggie diet. You can try them on blanched zuchinni, cucumber or deshelled green peas. Having said that, they tend to go for aquarium plants even more readily. If they still don't seem interested, try some live brine shrimp...
  34. S

    Will My Dwarf Gouramis Kill My Minnows?

    White clouds are incredibly adaptable fish so will survive even in the 78 deg F - 80 deg F dwarf gouramies prefer. However, this does decrease their lifespan and can make them a little more susceptible to diseases. My real concern would be the volume of water we're talking about and whether or...
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    Bump/tumour On Female Dwarf Gourami Lip

    Yes, firstly, getting another female was a good idea. As for the snails, did you treat the tank with anything or introduce some kind of loach? Gouramies sometimes pick at snails but they can't actually eat them. Now the 'bump' - I can't actually see it in the pics but this kind of thing...
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    Pink Kissing Gourami Not Eating

    Another idea, if you are particularly worried, is to try feeding some pellet foods - catfish pellets or algae wafers for example - as well as flake. You may find the other kisser is simply nervous about coming to the surface - whether it's because of its tankmate or not. Also try feeding some...
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    Gorami Male Or Female?

    Probably a little late for a reply, but I haven't been here for a while so oh well :P Gouramies don't get pregnant as they are egg-layers not livebearers like guppies or platies. They can be full of eggs (gravid) but bloating is more likely a sign of constipation or dropsy. Constipation is an...
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    Red Robbin Gourami

    Yes, they can be bred just like any other dwarf variety. But, like all dwarfs, they are not hardy fish and often unhealthy. Unhealthy fish rarely feel like spawning. Even if they do, it's very difficult to raise the fry in a tank containing other fish (ie their parents). I would suggest you...
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    Does My Dwarf Gourami Need A Friend

    Keep him alone. Like most male gouramies, dwarf males are territorial. They do not do well in pairs (or, rather, the female doesn't!) and keeping two males is usually asking for trouble. To keep more than one female with him would require a decent-sized tank (how big is yours?) but could work in...
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    Aggressive Male Dwarf Guorami

    Either return the male to your LFS or keep him in another tank until the females are fully grown. You can try a few things to discourage him first though - get more tall plants for the females to hide in, increase surface aggitation to prevent him from building a nest, lower the temperature to...