New Member
So I'm pretty new to the whole fish thing I've had guppies,goldfish, neons, plattys and Bettas. I did good with all of them except the plattys, Gred and Forge never stood a chance.Ive never had more than a 5 gallon thank though. So here is my question. My tank is 20 gallons, cycled, water is good, I don't over feed my fish; i feed two days then skip one. I had a a blue dwarf gourami suddenly swell up it spent the next two days practical vertical and was breathing funny not gasping just constant then it died. Then I woke up this morning and found my dwarf gourami swollen behind the gills. I changed some water but then I had to go to work. I spent all morning reading about them and couldn't find out what it was. It was dead when I went home for lunch. After reading all day I'm not going to get anymore but I still have 2 left what should I do incase this happens to them.