Would Pearl Gourami And Sparkling Gourami Be Ok Together?


Is now at University! :D
Mar 26, 2009
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Uk, Nottinghamshire
I have a 27 gallon tank stocked with;
5 Neons
6 Gold Barbs
3 Cory (soon to be 5)
6 Kuhlii Loach
2 Bolivian Rams

I've not made any decisions to buy the gourami yet. The only definite additions will be the 2 corys.
What do you think.
Just Pearl, just Sparkling? Or could I maybe have both?
The tank is reasonably well planted, has a large bit of bog wood and some rocks.
Dimentions: 80cm (wide) x 35cm (deep) x 45cm (tall)

If choosing between the two what would be your preference?
There is quite a difference between the two species, Sparkling Gouramis are quite small delicate fish that only get to 1.5 inches whilst Pearls can easily get to 4"
I would go with a single Pearl personally as the gold barbs may prove a problem for the smaller gourami
I would drop the gold barbs because they will get a bit big and be too bousterous for that size tank. Instead look at cherry, checkered or ruby barbs, or something like the 5 banded barbs (Barbus pentazona).
A pearl gourami will get a bit big to be confined in the tank with the neons, (it might eat the neons). I would go for a couple of sparkling gouramis.
I am definitely wavering on the side of sparkling gouramis.
I would have a pair of dwarfs but...I've never had much look with them in the past.
Stupid inbreeding! :(

I have been looking at the red robin though. It seems a lot less common than other dwarfs, are they slightly hardier?
If not then I'm definitely thinking sparkling gourami's are the way forwards :)
As for the Gold Barbs...try telling that too my dad.
'But they're such voracious eaters...and they add colour' Arrggh!
I can't seem to make him see that those lil 3cm guys, that already eat almost all the food before it has time to hit the ground, will grow into very big fish.

I intend to rehome them when they're nearly fully grown :) Because although I do like them, I totally agree I don't really want the tank mates that would be good for them.
Though just for the record, so far I have seen NO agression of any kind. And they do shoal nicely.
There is a risk that the pearls, with their incredible fins, would get nipped. They are my favourites but I would not suggest them in this tank. A nice alternative might be the banded gourami - Colisa fasciata (also sometimes called Trichogaster fasciata). They are also known as banded, indian or giant gouramies (don't confuse with Osphronemus!). They are kind of like large dwarf gouramies in appearance but much hardier. A trio would look nice. Colisa labiosa (thick-lipped gourami) is another option. Both these species are about 4" - so just a little smaller than pearls. Sparkling gouramies are lovely but might actually clash with the Bolivian rams over territory and they are too small and delicate to be able to deal with this. I would suggest croaking gouramies as a slightly larger alternative but only if your tank is well-planted.
Again, however, I would rehome the barbs - in my experience these are not aggressive but they will be crowded in that size tank eventually.

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