What Is Your Favourite Gourami

I like sparkling gouramis, though I haven't kept any in a while. In my sig. there is a link to a video that show them croaking/clicking.

Well hard choice. My favourites are opaline, pearl, gold and red honey because they're the ones I own :rolleyes: Gourami's are my fave fish, just got to love all their colours and patterns :good:

Blues are the best! They are hardy, friendly, and I even had them surprise me with grandfish a couple of times. I had one that lived for 9 years, quite a few of them would eat from my hand and I always used them to cycle a new tank. (We used to move a lot and I had to do a lot of restarts.) They can really take it. The daddy was a trip the way he guarded his nest. I had a 13" hypostomus that really wanted those eggs but my 2" gourami daddy would ram that guy so hard that you could hear it across the room. Quite the manly little guy.

hehe i feel sorry for kissing gouramis.....dam ugly fish

You got that right. I can't say what I really think since I know people who have the same physical traits and maybe someone else out there does, too. I'll continue to let my blues "kiss" my fingers while I feed them.
My favourite from my current stock had to be my blue gouramis,they are constantly on the go and they both feed from my hand and always greet me excitedly when i go near the tank,my sunset honeys come a close 2nd.
Just in the mood for more - I was gourami-less for a few years since I stopped adding fish because I was expecting to do a complete teardown and move - but I went out and bought three blues yesterday. A boy and two girls (how come the guy at the pet shop can't tell them apart?). They are DARLING, out there waving hello to everyone and everything with their magic wands. They did well overnight and the others (clown loaches, rasboras, danios and a spotted raphael) barely even acknowledged them. My cat noticed but hasn't batted at them yet. I think she gave up a long time ago once the loaches realized she couldn't get to them. They swarm around her face just make faces at her.
I just wanted to say that I love that image jschlosser! Your tank sounds downright charming!
My favourite gourami - and indeed fish in general! - is the pearl (Trichogaster leeri). I've kept lots of different gouramies, as well as ctenopomas and other anabantoids, and I still think pearls are not only the most beautiful but also overflowing with character. Plus it helps that they are not as antisocial as many of the other Trichogaster species (mainly T. trichopterus!) - they even seem to like each other - and they get along with many non-gouramies too. They look amazing in a planted tank and they are easy to breed too. I don't know what more you could want really...
It is getting there again. Gouramis make a tank a happy place. I had a female once (Daphne) who used to stroke the new fish in the tank so gently. I had a herd/swarm/gaggle of cories that she would just fawn over and they just sat there and let her. She was darling. I keep hearing how rude the boys are, but in 45 years, I haven't had one so rowdy that he couldn't learn to get along.

Hubby is clamoring for tetras which are waaaay down on my list. He will have to settle for his clown loaches.
Got to be Chocolote Gourami's for me. So sweet looking, a fish i would love to one day keep. Although obviously not exactly an easy fish.
Also a big fan of Sparkling Gourami's and big Giant Gouramis.
Chocolates are fantastic & the gourami is pretty awesome too :shifty: :shifty:

Also giant red tail... mine is starting to colour up nicely
I like kissers. Bought 2 small pink kissing gouramis in 1994. One died soon after but the other grew to 12" in my 3ft tank and lived until last year, so I had him 14 years. Great fish, survived white spot and two house moves and he never bullied any of my smaller fish. Won't get another though as they grow a bit bigl
I love the Golds, they seem almost telepathic (I have 2 females). Also the natural coloured Honey's, the are so cute, and they really use there Pectoral fins/feelers to communicate, plus the quirky start stop swimming motion. :rolleyes:

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