Sick Opaline Gourami?


New Member
Feb 8, 2008
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Hi. I'm new to the forums.

My Opaline Gourami appears to be fat, and I'm a little concerned. I'm guessing that its a she, but she seems to be quite normal.

She doesn't look very badly fat, and has been for a week or so, and I'm not sure if this is Fish Dropsy.

My Dad told me she is probably fat in general or pregnant? I looked around for symptoms for Fish Dropsy, and I'm just really not sure in general.

Thankyou in advance if someone can help me out.
Hello :)
Can you tell us how large your tank is, what other fish are in it and how many and how long it has been set up for? It may also help to know your tank's temperature, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels. If you don't know what any of this is, there are some links in my signature you should read through.
Symptoms of dropsy include pineconing of scales where the scales appear to stick up off the sides and often a loss of appetite. Do you have a picture of this fish you could post?
If it's simply constipation, fast all your fish for a day or two and see if that helps things. Also, try feeding some de-shelled, mashed up green peas (the kind you buy frozen) and/or some live or frozen daphnia. These foods are good for cleaning out the digestive system. Feed them after the fast period is over.
Finally, if this is a plump female, she cannot be pregnant simply because gouramies lay eggs. They are not livebearers like guppies or platies. The situation where a female is heavy with eggs is called 'gravid'. If this is the case, it is nothing to worry about.
I only just came home and saw this, and I'm not sure with the ammonia levels and all that such and will have to check it, but my Dad thinks the tanks about 70 Litres which would be about 18 gallons or so. These are currently in my tank:

1x Kissing Gourami
1x Opaline Gourami
1x Pearl Gourami
2x Black Neon Tetra
2x Penguin Tetra
2x Pristella Tetra
2x Molly

I hope I haven't overstocked my tank! I also apologise if I got any of those names wrong.
I have had the tank for around 2 years now, and the Kissing Gourami has survived for all that time...the Mollies since Christmas time last year, and the rest of the fish since the start of January I believe. I will get some more info on my tank, but now I have read your post I think it would be constipation, and I will fast them for a couple of days and see what happens.

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